Alexander Pilz | Head of Passenger Information
Verkehrsverbund Berlin Brandenburg

Alexander Pilz, Head of Passenger Information, Verkehrsverbund Berlin Brandenburg

VBB Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH (VBB), Hardenbergplatz 2, 10623 Berlin • Type of business or sector Public transport authority • Occupation or position held Since 2009 department head – customer information • Main activities and responsibilities from 07/97 employee as an engineer at VBB In charge for: · apps and web-based travel planner · data consolidation public transport (timetable, disturbance, occupancy, …) · Customer-information hotline · information design policies · R&D-projects EDUCATION AND TRAINING • Dates (from – to) 09/94 – 09/96 study for Master of Business and Engineering for transport at the university of applied science Erfurt 09/91 - 07/94 study in technology of railway transports at the college of engineering for transport technologies Gotha 09/88 - 08/91 employee at Deutsche Reichsbahn as an instructor 09/86 - 08/88 apprenticeship to clerk at the Deutsche Reichsbahn


WPF Day 1 @ 14:30

Exploring the impact of real time occupancy information for customers: the current status of project "SAFIRA" to reach our goal of ultimately shifting behaviours in peak travel times

last published: 26/Apr/24 10:45 GMT

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