FixMyStreet Pro by SocietyWorks


FixMyStreet Pro is the fully integrated version of FixMyStreet, the UK's most popular place-based problem reporting service for citizens, and the only reporting solution capable of automatically routing reports to other authorities across the UK.

Building on over 17 years of experience, FixMyStreet Pro is a user-centred, map-based and configurable fault reporting tool for street, highway and environment issues, integrated directly into any and all of your business systems to create an end-to-end reporting process that’s as smooth and efficient as possible for the report-maker, and for your staff.

Now trusted by over 30 councils and other public authorities, including National Highways, Transport for London and the Peabody housing association, FixMyStreet Pro is designed as a progressive web app, enabling you to provide exactly the same experience to users across a website and “app” without needing to support two different codebases, and with no obligation for users to choose one way or the other.

FixMyStreet Pro's features include:

  • Online street, highways, environment reporting for potholes and street repairs
  • API integration with all major asset, in-cab and CRM systems
  • Duplicate report suggestion tool, with option for users to subscribe to existing reports
  • Automated response templates keep users updated and unnecessary contact down
  • Case management tools for customer services, inspection and maintenance teams
  • Simple, automated and intuitive geo-location finder to make accurately-placed reports
  • Display assets like streetlights, gullies and trees on the map
  • Display scheduled works on the map to prevent reports of issues you are already aware of
  • Extra text and photo features to drive down unnecessary reporting
  • Automatically triage reports internally or to parishes and external bodies
  • Extract report data and track trends via dashboard and heatmap

FixMyStreet Pro is built by SocietyWorks, the wholly owned subsidiary of civic technology charity mySociety. 

We help local authorities and other public sector organisations better serve citizens through effective, intuitive and integrated digital solutions.

Building on mySociety’s 20+ years of experience developing open source digital civic services, we specialise in providing scalable SaaS products capable of moulding to authorities’ individual needs and processes.

Our suite of integrated and easy-to-use solutions, each designed in collaboration with our public sector clients, support authorities in improving their interactions with citizens and aiding digital transformation across a variety of service areas.



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