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Stand Rules & Regulations


Event Construction Regulations


• Having booked as a space only stand you must ensure you plan for a floor covering. Carpeting or other suitable floor covering of the whole stand area and all coverings must be secured and maintained so as not to cause hazard. Please also note the NEC have a sole floortape supplier; UK Industrial Tapes are the only products permitted to be used on the floor of the exhibition hall to minimise damage. Please ensure that your own contractor is also aware of this as any floor dilaps including tape residue or any other floor stickers which require a repair or floor paint will be charged to the exhibitor.

• All space only exhibitors are required to construct freestanding partition walls between their own stand and adjoining stands. These must be to a minimum height of 2.5m and extend the full width of your stand space. The exception to this is an island site.

• Where partitioning walls are constructed over 2.5m in height it is the responsibility of the exhibitor constructing the wall to dress the rear of the partition down to height of 2.5m in a neutral colour such as white, cream or beige.

• No logos or branding may be positioned on the rear of walls that overlook neighbouring stands.

• The maximum height limit for any form of stand fitting build is 4m including any platforms. Please note that multi-storey stands are not permitted. Any designs that exceed 4m in height will need to seek permission of the organising operations team.

• Island Stands - Solid runs of stand walls exceeding 50% of the length along gangway edges are forbidden. In any case walls exceeding 4m in length are prohibited. Walls should either have natural breaks, glazed panels or other such features. Extensive walling facing an aisle must be dressed with graphics, screens etc. In addition, at least one third of any stand length must be kept completely open. The organisers reserve the right to insist on this on site if this information has not been shared at design stage.

• The trim height to the top of all banners and truss should be a maximum of 6m.


Contractors – appointment of

Space Only exhibitors are free to appoint stand designers and construction contractors of their choice (for advice please call Event Supplier and Services Association (ESSA). It is, however, your responsibility to advise them of the exhibition Stand fitting and Health & Safety regulations.


We would recommend the following Stand Builder:


Regis Exhibition Design


Alex Mills

Tel: +44 20 3920 8090

Email:  hello@regised.com


Disabled Access

Under regulations set out by the Equality Act (formerly the Disability Discrimination Act) a vertical ‘lip’ or ‘up stand’ of more than 13 mm will present a barrier to some disabled people. If the stand design requires a raised floor section, ramp must be incorporated into the flooring or a portable ramp can be deployed when required. An alternative is to have multiple floor areas of the stand to make a credible attempt to deliver the services to an area of the stand, which does not require a platform. Please see the regulations above relating to platforms.


Access for disabled people is not only about physical access to buildings for wheelchair users but also includes access to written information for people with visual impairments and access to the same standard of service for all. It is important to take account of health and safety legislation, which has primacy over disability regulations, as mentioned.



All travel distances must comply with the eGuide regulations - ‘The maximum travel distance from any part of a stand to a gangway shall not exceed 50 metres. Where there is only one means of escape from the stand this must be reduced to 20 metres. For more information please consult the eGuide.



If you are building a storeroom /office, doors must have a minimum clear width of 800mm; however, it is recommended that double doors are used for at least one of the exits in order to accommodate larger types of wheelchair.


Doors must have a vision panel with a zone of visibility of between 500mm and 1500mm above the floor. The exception to this is doors to small storerooms, where a small panel may suffice.

A suitable exit sign must be positioned above each doorway.

Doors should open outwards in the direction of escape and be suitably recessed so they do not protrude into gangways.



Textile fabrics used for interior display purposes on the stand must be flame-proofed or purchased already treated with an approved chemical in accordance with BS5438/BS5852. Certain fabrics such as wool, twill or felt need not be proofed.


Fire Safety

Fire Extinguishers

The Fire Officer will provide fire extinguishers in designated areas to meet the Local Authority requirements. These extinguishers are not to be moved or covered. It is important that all exhibitors ensure that their staff and contractors are familiar with their operation and acquaint themselves with the location of the fire exits and alarm points in the venue.

Fire extinguishers are also available for individual stands. If you require a specific type of fire extinguisher for a particular type of work, please contact the Organisers.

Once the show is open it is important that fire extinguishers are not moved into the aisles.


Fire Regulations

To ensure as safe a show as possible there are strict regulations governing the materials that may be used in the construction of stands and in the demonstration of products. A copy of the full regulations are available from the Organisers. All materials used for building, decorating and covering of stands must be of non-flammable material (class one spread of flame).


Materials must comply with British Standard Numbers BS476 and BS5570 and/or BS3120. Your stand will be inspected during build-up and the Fire Safety Officer may remove any offending materials, or close down a stand if it does not comply with fire regulations.


The following regulations are included in the e-Guide and must be complied with by all contractors and exhibitors. They do not apply to exhibits:

All materials used in the construction of stands features and displays, including signs and fascias, shall be:

•      of a suitable nature and quality for the purposes and conditions of their intended use

•      adequately prepared and fixed in order adequately to perform the functions for which they are designed

•      non-combustible, inherently non-flammable or durably flameproof in accordance with BS476-Part 7

•      water-based, where applicable, e.g. adhesives and paint

British Standards are the minimum acceptable standards for construction materials. Suitable samples of materials may be submitted to the venue for approval. Materials may be tested on site to ensure that they comply.


Painting and Decorating

When using spraying equipment or pressure vessels, care must be taken of possible risks from fumes. Barrier creams and masks must be provided. The use of lead based paints and primers must be avoided.

Cellulose paints are flammable and must not be used in stand dressing.

Contractors should be continually aware of the attendant fire risks associated with paints. Good housekeeping is essential and hygiene is particularly important.

Painters must not work in confined areas unless adequate ventilation is available. All waste products must be disposed of properly.


Platform Flooring & Ramps

The provision of a platform may be regarded as necessary in order to cover some electrical installations and is the responsibility of the exhibitor. Flooring must not be less than a nominal 25mm (1”) thick and wood chipboard or block board 18mm.


Flooring must be laid with close joins and be of a strength and stability sufficient to carry and distribute the weight of stand fitting, personnel, visitors and exhibitors.


Open corners of stand floors and platforms must be rounded or angled, if not protected by exhibits or displays, to avoid sharp corners and tripping hazards. Platform edges must be fully highlighted and the use of the platform must be included within the Risk Assessment.


A vertical “lip” or “up stand” of more than 13mm will present a barrier to some disabled people.


If the stand design requires a raised floor section, a ramp must be incorporated into the flooring or a portable ramp can be deployed when required.

An alternative is to have multiple floor areas of the stand to make a credible attempt to deliver the services to an area of the stand, which does not require a platform.

Ramps must be a minimum width of 1.5m, gradient no more than 1:12, have a slip resistant surface and a colour contrasting with that of the stand floor or landing.

Changes in height must be protected; all ramps require a kerb of 100mm high which is visually contrasting and ramps with a gradient steeper than 1:20 must have a handrail either side to prevent falls and assist users.

Adequate space must be maintained around the ramp and stand area for wheelchair manoeuvring. The use of the wheelchair ramp is the responsibility of the contractor and exhibitor and adequate public liability insurance must be in place.

Platforms exceeding 170mm in height will require handrails and balustrades complying with eGuide regulations.



Plastics must conform to BS476 - part 7- Class 1. Perspex is not permitted to be used at this venue for stand-fitting purposes, including displays. An alternative polycarbonate, conforming to BS476 part 7 (class 1) must be used instead.


Naked Flames

Exhibitors are not allowed lit flames unless they are an integral part of your product or service.   These may not be displayed at the front of the stand or in reach of the public. Some kind of protection should be fitted around the flame if the design allows.

Prominent signage advising of the naked flames must be provided. Only a minimal amount may be lit at any one time. The above is at the Fire Officer’s discretion at the opening of the show.



Timber of any thickness if impregnated to BS476-Part 7 class 1 standard and branded as fireproofed is acceptable. Timber framing of stands may be of natural unproofed timber of a minimum thickness of 25 mm.

Counters and floors of stands may be of natural unproofed timber of a minimum thickness of 21 mm. Where natural timber is used for floors it must be close-jointed.


Wood or blockboard to a minimum thickness of 18 mm, may be used in the construction of internally lit units, display plinths and for display screens or panels provided that these screens or panels are not of such a size as to form internal dividing partitions.


Plywood, hardboard, pulpboard or fibreboard rendered fire-resistant by an approved process of impregnation and bearing a distinguishing brand mark to indicate that it has been impregnated.


The applied decorative finish of stands may be of natural (unproofed) timber to a minimum thickness of 21 mm provided that the area of vertical wall services does not exceed 2.5 m for each square metre of exhibition floor area occupied by the stand.


Where such timber is used on the inside of the stand and extends within 600 mm of a fabric ceiling, such fabric shall be inherently non- flammable or durably flame proofed.


The use of softwood board is prohibited apart from counter tops and platforms, in which instance it must be impregnated to render it non- flammable and branded with a recognizable trademark.


Decorative materials

Decorative materials used for stand dressing must be flame proofed or purchased already treated by use of the appropriate chemical.

Untreated wallpaper and similar thin surface finishes, not exceeding 1mm in thickness, may be accepted, provided they are firmly fixed.

Artificial plants and flowers are combustible and give off toxic fumes. Therefore they must not be used for stand dressing. Silk-type flowers are acceptable, providing they are fireproof or have been treated and marked as such.


Fabrics, drapes, curtains and hangings

Drapes, curtains, hangings, etc, must be inherently or durably flame-proofed. Otherwise they may be treated with a proprietary flame retardant. Test certificates must be available for inspection for any materials intended to be used.


Fabrics used for interior stand decoration must be fixed taut and/or in tight pleats (not loosely draped) to a solid backing, secured above floor level and not touching light fittings.


Curtains on exit routes should hang 75mm clear of the floor be parted in the centre and not conceal any exit signs.



All glazing used in the construction of stands must consist of safety glass (laminated or tempered) a minimum of 6mm thick. Areas of glazing within 800mm of floor level and over 0.5m2, where the smaller dimension of the pane is greater than 250mm, must conform to the thicknesses shown below (in order to comply with the ‘Code of practice for safety related to human impact’):


Any uninterrupted, large areas of clear glazing shall be indicated with warning stripes, dots, logos, etc. Overhead glazing shall be of wired or laminated glass, or be otherwise adequately protected from shattering.

Normal thickness           Maximum pane size dimensions

8mm                               1100mm x 1100mm

10mm                              2250mm x 2250mm

12mm                              4500mm x 45000mm

15mm or thicker -   no limits


Night sheets

Night sheets must be made of inherently non-flammable material or of material satisfactorily treated to render it non-flammable. They shall be stored rolled-up and firmly secured and not cause any obstruction while not in use.



Only water-based paint may be used on site. If paint-spraying equipment is to be used, the method must be approved by the venue and not cause a nuisance to others. Protective measures shall be taken to ensure that no paint is spilt or sprayed on to the fabric of the building.



Upholstered seating must be non-combustable and marked with the appropriate standard.



Please ensure that you and your contractors read the electrical information in the General and venue information section of this manual. For further information please contact the Official electrical contractor for the show.

Please note that you must make arrangements for housing any mains boxes on stands and these cannot be left on the venue floor.


Get Involved at Highways UK 2024



Edward Downes


Tom Morris




Claudia Davidson


Marketing & Press

Daniel Matthews