Drew Clark | CEO
Broadband Breakfast

Drew Clark, CEO, Broadband Breakfast

Broadband Breakfast CEO Drew Clark has led the Broadband Breakfast community since 2008. An early proponent of better broadband, better lives, he initially founded the Broadband Census crowdsourcing campaign for broadband data. As Editor and Publisher of BroadbandBreakfast.com, Clark presides over the leading media company advocating for higher-capacity internet everywhere through topical, timely and intelligent coverage. Clark was head of the Partnership for a Connected Illinois, a state broadband initiative. He served as President of the Rural Telecommunications Congress, and is a nationally recognized telecommunications attorney. You can find him on LinkedIn.


Day 1 - Tuesday, May 7th @ 10:20

An Update From the Service Providers


  • Hear from the service providers at the forefront of community broadband development 
  • Service provider perspective on the current investment, funding, and regulatory context 


last published: 03/May/24 21:35 GMT

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Sponsorship and exhibition

Nancy McCain
+1 281-342-9655




Conference program & speaking

Dennise Argil
+1 281-342-9655




Media partnerships

Laura Curwen
