Matthew Rathinam | Senior Manager Quality
Sydney Trains

Matthew Rathinam, Senior Manager Quality, Sydney Trains

Dr Matthew Rathinam is a passionate and experienced public sector leader in Australia with a penchant in management systems, business transformation, strategy and management innovation. Matthew is a management researcher to reinvent management principles and practices to improve performance. He is a thought-provoking public speaker in Australia and international conferences, hosted many national webinars, confident speaker, engaging moderator and rapporteur. His thought-provoking topic in the Asia Pacific Rail Conference 2024 explores a model that features a golden thread as an integrated solution to adopt technology advancements and a solution to leadership challenges of modern rail organisations.


Asia Pacific Rail 2024 : DAY 2 @ 16:00

Panel: Shaping the present and future: AI-powered rail operations

สร้างอนาคตระบบรางด้วยการนำ AI มาประยุกต์ใช้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพสูงสุด

last published: 28/Apr/24 06:25 GMT

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