Dr David Gilham | CSO

Dr David Gilham, CSO, Celyad

Dr. David Gilham is Vice-President R&D of Celyad. He heads the implementation of Research and Development strategy for the immune-oncology programs. Dr. Gilham received his Ph.D in Molecular Pharmacology at the University of Dundee prior to moving to Bristol University in 1996 to work on CAR T cells with Professor Robert Hawkins. The group moved to Manchester in 1998 where his research activity has focused on engineering T-cells for cancer therapy and developing the necessary pre-clinical studies to support translation of this therapy into phase I/II clinical trials in Manchester. Prior to joining Celyad, David was a Reader in the Institute of Cancer Sciences, University of Manchester, UK and led the Clinical and Experimental Immunotherapy Group based within the Manchester Cancer Research Centre.


Day 1: Wednesday 19th May 2021 - Cell Therapy @ 13:30

Panel discussion: Rise of allogeneic cells and allo-approaches to oncology & non-oncology

·The cell types·Impact of gene editing·Cellular Persistence·Cellular phenotypes·Expansion In vivo·Possibility of retreatment·Lymphodepletion·Administration of the cells/ Amount of the cells/Local and systemic administration
last published: 10/May/21 08:45 GMT

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