Kifaya Abu Thallam | Advisor, Organisational Design
Tawazun Holding

Kifaya Abu Thallam, Advisor, Organisational Design, Tawazun Holding

Kifaya is a seasoned HR Executive with over 20 years of experience, holding several key positions in Human Resources including, but not limited to Group HR Advisor, Regional Head of HR, Chief HR Officer and Group HR Director, in local & multinational companies in the Middle East.
Active speaker in HR Summits & Conference in Europe & GCC.
Kifaya is specialized in Organizational Design- Mergers & Acquisitions, 
Completed her Certification in Organizational Design in USA – University of Southern California (USC)


Work 2.0 Conference Day 2 @ 11:20

Organisational redesign in the GCC

  • Deciphering what organisational redesign truly is
  • Highlighting the difference between OD and OD
  • Examining the external and internal triggers
  • Exploring design models and framework: a case study

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