Puree Tantivirasut | Giám đốc đầu tư cấp cao – Năng lượng châu Á / Senior Investment Manager - Energy Asia
Định chế tài chính châu Âu / DEG

Puree Tantivirasut, Giám đốc đầu tư cấp cao – Năng lượng châu Á / Senior Investment Manager - Energy Asia, Định chế tài chính châu Âu / DEG

Mr. Puree Tantivirasut serves as the Senior Investment Manager for Energy Asia at DEG, specializing in the energy sector. His primary responsibilities include evaluating and structuring transactions related to energy projects across Southeast Asia. Puree’s geographic coverage includes Southeast Asia countries. In his role, Puree focuses on long-term project finance and debt mezzanine products. 

About DEG —: DEG is a Development Finance Institution and a subsidiary of KfW Group. DEG offers financing, advice and support to private sector enterprises operating in developing and emerging-market countries. As an experienced partner, DEG supports its customers with in-depth market knowledge, impact and climate expertise and our international network to advance forward-looking investments.

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Alice (Hoang Anh) Chevalier



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