Pietrogiovanni Cerchier was born in San Donà di Piave (Italy) on 18.10.1990. In 2014 he got bachelor degree in Materials Engineering at University of Padova with 110L with a thesis entitled: “Recovery of precious metals from wastes with hydrometallurgy techniques”. In 2017 he got Ph.D in Industrial Engineering at the University of Padova with a thesis regarding the strategic metals recovery from waste. In the University of Padova in 2017-2020 he managed the ReSiELP research project (Upscaling of EIT RawMaterials). Since 2020 he is CEO of 9-Tech, an Italian start-up specialized in WEEE recycling. He is inventor of 9 patents and co-author in 22 scientific articles (8 h-index). Since 1/1/2023 is coordinating research project Parsival (RIS-Capacity building EIT RM)