WildFaces Technology Limited

Platinum Sponsor

WildFaces’  patented “On-The-Move” Artificial Intelligence (AI) based analytics system can provide a number of video, sound and smell analytics from moving sensors/ cameras on drones, moving robots and body-worn cameras. Such systems have been implemented on numerous government and commercial sites worldwide.

Applications range from anonymized tracking (with privacy protection) and traffic congestion management to sound and smell analytics.

WildFaces’ unique technology, WildAI, requires minimal training, is computing light (does not require GPUs) and can be deployed very quickly. The technology:
• Operates in real-time even when the sensor is “On-the-move”.
• Requires none (or limited) data training eliminating unnecessary labour-intensive non-AI tasks such as labelling;
• Is infrastructure light (e.g. 50 times fewer sensors or cameras required); and
• Is computation light ie able to conduct analysis from a distance using lower resolution images and without requiring expensive GPUs

WIldFaces is a spinoff of iOmniscient, the world’s oldest provider of the most comprehensive portfolio of AI based use cases in the industry.
