Wieneke Maris | Subject Coordinator & Teacher of Geography and Global Issues Network Coordinator
International School of The Hague

Wieneke Maris, Subject Coordinator & Teacher of Geography and Global Issues Network Coordinator, International School of The Hague

Wieneke is subject coordinator and teacher of geography, and Global Issues Network coordinator at the International School of The Hague. Besides her school work she is active in Teachers for Climate, and co-founder of Teachers for Future International. The question that drives her is how to bring about a sustainable world through education. To this end she traveled through Europe searching for inspiring examples of sustainability education. As a result of this journey, she started a European project with partners in Belgium, Germany, Portugal and Spain to support schools with a whole school integration of sustainability: the Sustainability Accelerator Programme. In 2019 she was awarded Sustainable teacher of the year for her efforts inside and outside the classroom. 


EDUtech Europe 2024 Conference Day 2 @ 13:30

Keynote – Education for sustainability: what does the world need from us?

The world is facing unprecedented crises; e.g. climate change, ecological collapse and increasing inequality, caused by our unsustainable way of life. This poly-crisis threatens our futures. Education has a big role to play in reaching a more sustainable way of living. How do we do this though? And at the same time; how do we teach the truth about the crises our world faces, without leaving our students depressed and anxious? How do we provide our students both with the social-emotional tools to face these, as well as empower them to take action for a better world. In this keynote Wieneke will share her personal and professional journey to find answers to these questions. She will discuss both practical examples as well as theoretical frameworks that provide the structure and tools to start systemically embedding sustainability into our own educational practice.  In this keynote Wieneke will highlight:

  • Education’s role in reaching a more sustainable way of living: essential elements and practical examples
  • How to empower students to take action
  • Questions to consider when wishing to structurally embed sustainability in our education 
last published: 24/May/24 09:55 GMT

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