Vikki Liogier | EdTech & Education Digital Capability Consultant
Vikki Liogier

Vikki Liogier, EdTech & Education Digital Capability Consultant, Vikki Liogier


Pre-Conference Workshops @ 15:00

W3 - AI tools for teachers: streamlining workload and enhancing education

Embark on a transformative journey with our “AI Tools for Teachers” workshop! Beyond the efficiency gains and personalised learning experiences, this workshop is your gateway to building AI literacy among both educators and learners. Discover how to not only integrate cutting-edge AI tools into your teaching but also empower your students with the skills to navigate the AI landscape responsibly. Join us as we explore the ethical use of AI, foster critical thinking, and prepare the next generation for success in an AI-driven world. 

Learning outcomes:

  • Mastery of AI tools for administrative efficiency: Delegates will leave the workshop with a mastery of AI tools designed to streamline administrative tasks, such as producing lesson plans, grading rubrics and schemes of work in minutes. By incorporating these tools into their workflow, teachers can save valuable time and redirect their focus toward impactful teaching strategies and student engagement.
  • Seamless integration of AI in lesson content creation: Delegates will gain the skills to seamlessly integrate AI tools, such as Gamma and Canva's Design AI, into lesson content creation. By harnessing AI-driven design capabilities, teachers can create visually engaging and pedagogically effective materials, enhancing the overall teaching and learning experience.
  • Building AI literacy among learners: Delegates will develop the knowledge and skills needed to educate their learners on the ethical and responsible use of AI. Through the exploration of AI tools, participants will gain insights into fostering AI literacy among students, teaching them how to critically engage with AI technologies, understand potential biases, and make informed decisions in an increasingly AI-driven world. This outcome emphasises the importance of preparing learners not only to use AI tools but also to be informed and responsible users, contributing to the development of a digitally literate and ethical generation.

Intended audience: Schools & Higher Education 

last published: 24/May/24 09:55 GMT

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