Tobias Michael Scholz | Associate Professor for Academic Esports
University Of Agder

Tobias Michael Scholz, Associate Professor for Academic Esports, University Of Agder

Dr. Tobias Scholz holds a professorship in Academic Esports with a focus on human resource management at the University of Agder and is Chief Scientific Officer of metagame. He founded the Esports Research Network and has been part of the first generation of esports researchers for 20 years, has written the basic book "eSports is Business" and is co-author of "Fundamentals of Human Resource Management". In Norway, he is heavily involved in a bachelor's degree program that aims to use esports as a tool for teaching skills for the future world of work. Esports serves as a lever to promote the development of these skills.


EDUtech Europe 2024 Conference Day 1 @ 15:45

Case study presentation – Beyond the screen: how esports skills propel success in the workforce

  • Examining the correlation between esports expertise and real-world competencies
  • Growing demand for esports-related skills in various industries
  • Identifying and defining the key transferable skills cultivated in esports
last published: 24/May/24 09:55 GMT

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