Santiago Ordejón Zuckermaier | Head of Innovations
Newton College ISP

Santiago Ordejón Zuckermaier, Head of Innovations, Newton College ISP

Born and raised in Düsseldorf, Germany, Santiago is an experienced leader in education with almost 20 years of developing innovative learning approaches, curriculum development and methodological research. His experience spans curriculum development, teacher training, and edtech implementation in schools. He shows a proven track record of helping schools identify and implement positive change through methodological and technological tool implementation. He led the development of pedagogical, methodological and technological innovations at Newton College, Spain, as Head of Innovations, contributing to professional development and school improvement initiatives. Amongst the project him and his team worked on were for instance the planning, development and conducting of the Online learning system at Newton College during the pandemic lock-down, constant review of the methodological and pedagogical use of edtech in collaboration with all stakeholders in his school, the creation of digital safety policies and AI policies at Newton College or the collaboration in the creation of company-wide AI training modules.  


EDUtech Europe 2024 Conference Day 2 @ 11:15

Panel – The PedTech revolution: pedagogy at the forefront of technology

  • Assessing the use of technologies with an evidence-informed approach
  • The longer-term impact on learners
  • Opportunities and shortfalls of the current generation of Gen AI
last published: 24/May/24 09:55 GMT

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