Noha M. Abdelmonem | Digital learning designer (Generative AI)
University of Helsinki-Global Campus

Noha M. Abdelmonem, Digital learning designer (Generative AI), University of Helsinki-Global Campus

Noha M. Abdelmonem is a digital learning designer (Generative AI focus), and a researcher in psychology and education. Noha is currently working at the University of Helsinki (Global Campus unit). Her work is focused on creating AI-based characters using large language models (LLMs) to enhance the learning experience for university students. She is currently enriching her knowledge and expertise through a master’s program in (Changing Education) at the university of Helsinki. Her research interests lie in the intersection between psychology and education (e.g. personality psychology and personalized learning, digital education, students’ well-being, academic engagement, and pedagogy). This stems from her passion to enhance people’s lives through education. Noha has a multidisciplinary background as a psychologist, a Japanese language teacher, and a pharmacist. Noha’s work with AI is rooted in psychological principles and pedagogical strategies to create AI-driven learning experiences that are ethical, engaging, and effective.  


EDUtech Europe 2024 Conference Day 2 @ 15:50

Showcase – Empowering education with GPTs: unveiling transformative tools for learning

  • Utilising GPTs within universities, showcasing their impact on research, teaching and student initiatives
  • How GPTs are transforming higher education, offering insights into adaptive learning, content creation and academic support systems
  • Integrating GPT-powered tools into various university contexts, enriching teaching methodologies and scholarly pursuits

Experience a dynamic session featuring 3 rapid-fire case study presentations followed by a moderated discussion and Q&A between the speakers and the audience.

last published: 24/May/24 09:55 GMT

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