Nina Jelen | Primary Teacher
Ivana Skvarče Zagorje, Primary school

Nina Jelen, Primary Teacher, Ivana Skvarče Zagorje, Primary school

Nina Jelen is a primary school teacher who loves her children and magic in the classroom.
She is the winner of the highest award in Slovenia in the field of education (2019), The winner of the competition Better internet for kids in the teacher category organized by European Commission (2018), and the winner of the Global Teacher Prize for Slovenia (2019). She has published two books for children, and writes articles in the online newspaper Časoris in which she advises children.
She also regularly cooperates with the Ministry of Education and the Institute of Education, often lectures to teachers and students, and shares her innovative ideas on her website


EDUtech Europe 2024 Conference Day 2 @ 12:10

Guardians of nature


  • Design Thinking teaches students to creatively solve complex problems with empathy by ideating, prototyping, and testing innovative solutions
  • Students develop collaboration skills by working in groups, effectively communicating ideas, and refining solutions through discussion
  • Design Thinking fosters critical thinking as students continuously improve their ideas through feedback and iteration, building resilience and adaptability for complex challenges
last published: 24/May/24 09:55 GMT

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