Menno Scheers | Lead Enterprise Architect

Menno Scheers, Lead Enterprise Architect, SURF

Menno is lead enterprise architect at SURF. SURF is the cooperative association of Dutch educational and research institutions in which the members work together to acquire or develop the best possible digital services, and to encourage knowledge sharing through continuous innovation. For the past four years, he guided the development of the national sector architecture for higher education and research (HOSA). Before that, he worked for fifteen years at the Vrije Universiteit as lead of the CIO-office on digital strategy, innovation and architecture. He developed the Digital Strategy 2025 for the Vrije Universiteit in 2019. In 2021 he received a national education innovation award for his work for HOSA and Vrije Universiteit.


EDUtech Europe 2024 Conference Day 1 @ 15:15

Presentation – Web3 and the future of education

  • The evolution to Web3 and the implications for the education sector
  • How verifiable credentials and wallets can change the way we organise education and learning
  • How we prepare for these kinds of developments
last published: 24/May/24 09:55 GMT

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