Mauro Bordignon | Head of Academics and Pedagogical Innovation
H-Farm International School, Treviso

Mauro Bordignon, Head of Academics and Pedagogical Innovation, H-Farm International School, Treviso

I was born the son of a lawyer, destined to follow in my father's footsteps from as early as one year old. However, something went awry. After completing my Liceo Classico and while studying Law and Economics, I purchased a saxophone, and everything changed. Within a few years, I became a professional jazz musician, and it took me ten years to complete my university studies. In the meantime, I also developed a passion for Education and began teaching music and Law and Economics, exploring ways to enhance Learning. As part of this pursuit, I have published books on Law and Economics for Italian schools, revolutionizing the pedagogical approach. From 2016 to 2022 I served as the Head of School of H-International School, a revolutionary environment that fosters the confrontation of some fundamental paradigms in one's life: Education, personal growth, professional and career development. Since 2016 I’m Head of Academics and Pedagogical Innovation of the H-FARM Education Group, a group of three schools in Italy, and I’m always studying, researching, seeking and trying new approaches to Education based on Human/ity and the application of technologies.


EDUtech Europe 2024 Conference Day 2 @ 11:15

Panel – The PedTech revolution: pedagogy at the forefront of technology

  • Assessing the use of technologies with an evidence-informed approach
  • The longer-term impact on learners
  • Opportunities and shortfalls of the current generation of Gen AI
last published: 24/May/24 09:55 GMT

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