Marije Goudriaan | Coordinator Data Platform Learning Analytics
Utrecht University

Marije Goudriaan, Coordinator Data Platform Learning Analytics, Utrecht University

Marije Goudriaan is the coordinator of the data platform of team learning analytics at Utrecht University (UU), the Netherlands. She has a background in physiotherapy, human movement sciences, and a PhD in biomedical sciences. As a researcher she developed a strong affinity for data analytics and programming, skills she can now use in her capacity as the data platform coordinator. As the coordinator of the data platform she is the contact person between team learning analytics, the different project leaders team learning analytics is supporting, the data engineers, and the IT-department of Utrecht University.


EDUtech Europe 2024 Conference Day 2 @ 14:20

Fireside chat – From scores to insights: making sense of learning analytics

  • Utilising learning analytics to gain deeper insights into student progress and personalise learning pathways
  • Practical strategies to analyse student engagement, identify at-risk students, and optimise curriculum and instruction
  • How learning analytics can equip students with self-assessment tools to personalise their learning journeys
last published: 24/May/24 09:55 GMT

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