Manuel Bordoy Verchili | Deputy Secretary-General
European Schools

Manuel Bordoy Verchili, Deputy Secretary-General, European Schools

Manuel Bordoy holds a Bachelor Degree in Anglo-Germanic Philology and a Master's degree in the teaching of foreign languages ​​(English / French), both awarded by the University of Valencia (Spain). He completed his Postgraduate Studies in Translation and Interpretation at the Universities of Valencia and at the Jaume I University of Castellón (Spain). He followed postgraduate studies in the department of Didactics of Language and Literature at the University of Murcia (Spain) within the program of Didactics of Languages ​​and their Cultures. He was a Deputy Director at the IES Francisco Ribalta in Castellón, a Teacher Trainer for ​​secondary school foreign language teachers at the in-service training centres CEP in Valencia and CEFIRE in Castellón.  He also taught at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (1989-1998) and was an education adviser attached to the Spanish Embassies in Denmark and the Netherlands (1998-2003). He has always been very interested in multicultural, value driven education and new technologies to enhance teaching and learning. He came in the European School system as a as Deputy Director of the secondary cycle at the European School Mol, Belgium (2003-2008) then he transferred to the same position into the European School of Alicante, Spain (2008-2013) He was Provincial Vice-President of the Spanish Red Cross in Alicante (2012-2014) as a volunteer. He was appointed Head of the European Baccalaureate Unit in the Office of the Secretary General of the European Schools (2014-2017) and later became the Director of the European School of Brussels IV (Laeken). He was appointed Deputy Secretary-General of the European Schools on the 1st of January 2022.


EDUtech Europe 2024 Conference Day 1 @ 16:15

Panel – The effects of the digital divide on access to technology and digital education

  • Disparities in online learning experiences for learners with varying levels of access and the effects on learning outcomes
  • Equipping educators with digital skills to navigate the virtual learning landscape
  • Providing targeted support to students at risk of falling behind due to the digital divide
last published: 24/May/24 09:55 GMT

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