Luuk Terbeek | Projectleader AI in Education
VU Amsterdam

Luuk Terbeek, Projectleader AI in Education, VU Amsterdam

Luuk Terbeek is an influential Educational Advisor AI and Blended Learning (the subject of his PhD research) and Project Leader, at VU Amsterdam. He coordinates numerous AI and Blended Learning projects at both national and international levels. In addition, Luuk Terbeek is Project Leader of AI in Education at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and the chairman of the UvA AI in Education working group.


EDUtech Europe 2024 Conference Day 2 @ 10:10

The AI Maturity in Education Scan (AIMES): elevating AI literacy in higher education

  • The development of AIMES    
  • Future AIMES activities    
  • Guidelines to implement AIMES within your institution

EDUtech Europe 2024 Conference Day 2 @ 15:05

Panel – AI unleashed: shaping higher education's future

  • How AI is reshaping higher education, revolutionising teaching methodologies, student engagement and administrative efficiency
  • Examining the challenges and successes from leveraging AI for educational enhancement
  • Envisioning AI's role and potential in higher education
last published: 24/May/24 09:55 GMT

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