Jonathan Wathen | Board Trustee
Waterton Academy Trust

Jonathan Wathen, Board Trustee, Waterton Academy Trust

Board Trustee at Waterton Academy Trust. An experienced MAT Executive, Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Data Protection Officer (DPO) who has successfully delivered a Trust-wide digital transformation in a large, complex and rapidly growing Trust. Jonny has completed an Executive MBA programme achieving Chartered Manager status via the Chartered Management Institute (CMI). His innovative applied research project explored the potential for Digital Transformation through Business Model Innovation within Multi-Academy Trusts. As an active CIO Net member, Jonny networks with ambitious digital leaders and businesses from across the globe. A recognised thought leader on digital transformation, Jonny also speaks at conferences and shares insights via roundtables and panel discussions both within and beyond the education sector. As a former teacher and Head of Learning, Jonny has a passion for technology enhanced learning approaches. He has contributed to a range of Further and Higher Education digital projects including an online MOOC ‘Blended Learning Essentials’ in collaboration with UCL and the University of Leeds. Other projects included contributing to programmes such as the Technology Exemplar Network (BECTA), MoleNet (LSN), Regional Sustainability Event and Resource Utilisation Network (LSIS).


EDUtech Europe 2024 Conference Day 1 @ 15:35

Showcase – Building and implementing effective digital strategies for schools

  • Crafting a clear digital strategy that aligns with your school's goals and empowers student success
  • Integrating technology effectively across curriculum, administration and learning environments
  • Professional development opportunities to ensure educators feel confident utilising technology in the classroom

Experience a dynamic session featuring 3 rapid-fire case study presentations followed by a moderated discussion and Q&A between the speakers and the audience.

last published: 24/May/24 09:55 GMT

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