James Clay | Head of Higher Education

James Clay, Head of Higher Education, Jisc

As Head of Higher Education and Student Experience, my role is to ensure Jisc’s HE strategy meets the needs of our higher education members and UK wide funders. I have worked in the education sector since 1993 and have extensive experience in the use of technology to enhance and enrich learning. I have been a CIO, a teacher, a project director, TEL manager, libraries manager, an IT director and a senior manager.. I have contributed and managed a range of projects over the years in various roles, including the intelligent campus.


EDUtech Europe 2024 Conference Day 2 @ 11:15

Panel – The place where pedagogy meets technology: designing innovative learning spaces

  • Enhancing learning spaces to ensure excellent standards for teaching and learning
  • Promoting flexibility to accommodate diverse learning styles
  • Ensuring the appropriate spaces are fit to deliver digital education through the latest tech innovations
last published: 24/May/24 09:55 GMT

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