Gary Henderson | Director Of Information Technology
Millfield School

Gary Henderson, Director Of Information Technology, Millfield School

Gary has over 25 years in education, as a teacher, senior leader and consultant in the UK and Middle East.  He currently leads technology strategy and the technology services team as Director of IT at Millfield, a large UK Independent School, as well as being a member of the Digital Futures Group (DFG), an Association of Network Managers in Education (ANME) ambassador and the vice chair of the ISC Digital Advisory Group.   He has presented at conferences internationally on subjects such as cyber security for schools, AI in education, digital citizenship and Technology Strategy and was named as a finalist in the EduFuturist Network Manager of the Year 2022 and in the Global EdTech Awards 2023, Most Impactful Senior Member of Staff category.   He also is currently leading the development of the ISBA’s 2024 Digital Survey, looking at digital strategy and the use of digital tools in UK independent schools.


EDUtech Europe 2024 Conference Day 2 @ 15:05

Fireside chat – Navigating data: empowering education leaders

  • Crafting robust data governance frameworks to ensure data security, compliance and ethical use
  • Leveraging data for informed decision-making
  • Envisioning data-driven innovations, and fostering a culture of responsible data usage for optimal educational outcomes
last published: 24/May/24 09:55 GMT

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