Fabrizio Fulio Bragoni | PhD student (former teacher)
Universita degli Studi eCampus

Fabrizio Fulio Bragoni, PhD student (former teacher), Universita degli Studi eCampus

Fabrizio Fulio Bragoni was born in 1981 in Rieti, Italy, but he's been living in Turin since 1986. A graduate in philosophy, he's worked as teacher in primary schools and high schools. As a published novelist, he has had the chance to teach creative writing both to kids and adults. He is pursuing a Ph.D. in Learning Sciences and Digital Technologies (National Ph.D. programme in Learning Sciences and Digital Technologies). His fields of research are moral literacy, video games, general ethics, the ethics of technology and AI.  


EDUtech Europe 2024 Conference Day 2 @ 16:55

Reinterpreting videogaming as a form of maieutics

  • Video games can help us define relevant philosophical and ethical questions    
  • The use of video games as a potential means of promoting moral literacy    
  • This use should be seen as a part of a wider maieutical process involving teachers and students. once this practice has been established in the classroom, video-gfaames could be privately used as a means of philosophical self-education
last published: 24/May/24 09:55 GMT

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