Emma Carralon | Head of Digital Learning and Online Safety Lead
The British School of Paris

Emma Carralon, Head of Digital Learning and Online Safety Lead, The British School of Paris

Emma Carralon is an experienced primary school teacher and an EDUtech consultant. At EDUtech Europe in 2023,  she joined a panel of experts to discuss ‘how to implement an effective digital strategy for all stakeholders’. In March 2024 she lead two sessions at the ELSA Conference in Paris on ‘using student agency to embed online safety into the curriculum’ and ‘developing an effective digital curriculum in a primary school.’

Emma is the Head of Digital Learning and the Online Safety Lead and The British School of Paris where she also teaches a Year 4 class. In 2022 , she managed an Online Safety project called 360° Safe which awarded the school with an Online Safety Mark for their outstanding internet safety provision. The British School of Paris was the first international school to receive this accreditation. Part of the school’s success was attributed to the ‘digital leaders’ a group of young leaders that help promote online safety to their peers. 

Currently, Emma is developing innovative and enriching approaches using digital technology in her classroom through the use of STEM and the Micro:bit Computer.


EDUtech Europe 2024 Conference Day 1 @ 16:30

Case study presentation – Safeguarding strategies to create a safe online learning environment

  • Identifying current online risks and threats and cultivating a sense of responsibility and agency in students
  • Tactical approaches to fostering online safety
  • Addressing cyber-bullying, manipulation and grooming head-on
last published: 24/May/24 09:55 GMT

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