David Kalisz | Dean of Expert Programs
Paris School of Business

David Kalisz, Dean of Expert Programs, Paris School of Business

Doctor of economics in the discipline of management sciences. Dean of Expert Programs (BBA, MSc, MBA) and Associate Professor at Paris School of Business (France). Currently in the Advanced Executive Program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Expert in Futures Studies, Strategic Foresight and Scenario Planning. Certified Foresight Practitioner (IFTF), member of the Association of Professional Futurists and International Institute of Forecasters. He teaches Megatrends and Understanding Future, and also courses designed to more profoundly test and explore the long-term impact on industries and society. 


EDUtech Europe 2024 Conference Day 2 @ 15:05

Panel – AI unleashed: shaping higher education's future

  • How AI is reshaping higher education, revolutionising teaching methodologies, student engagement and administrative efficiency
  • Examining the challenges and successes from leveraging AI for educational enhancement
  • Envisioning AI's role and potential in higher education
last published: 24/May/24 09:55 GMT

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