Dajana Jelavić | EFL teacher
secondary school Jure Kaštelan

Dajana Jelavić, EFL teacher, secondary school Jure Kaštelan

Dajana Jelavić is an English and Italian language teacher mentor at "Jure Kaštelan" High School in Omiš, Croatia. She has established herself as a dedicated educator with over three decades of teaching experience, primarily in vocational programs. She actively participates in eTwinning projects and was honoured with the national "Comet" award for her innovative "Inspired by Nature" project. Furthermore, she takes on the role of coordinator in Erasmus+ KA1 and KA2 projects at her school, demonstrating her commitment to international collaboration and exchange. She created the course "Inclusive Teaching with AI" for the Europass Teacher Academy and served as a teacher trainer in Split. Her main focus lies in implementing innovative teaching methods incorporating technology and integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into education. Dedicated to continuous professional development, Dajana actively seeks to stay abreast of the latest trends in education and technology.


EDUtech Europe 2024 Conference Day 1 @ 14:15

Nurturing holistic development in the age of AI

  • Benefits of SEL for students' learning, life, and work    
  • AI toolkit for developing SEL competencies    
  • Innovative methodologies that harness the power of AI to optimise SEL outcomes among students
last published: 24/May/24 09:55 GMT

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