Ana Louro | Teacher Trainer
AE Rodrigues de Freitas

Ana Louro, Teacher Trainer, AE Rodrigues de Freitas

I have always had a passion for education. I love to drive pupils to reach their dreams and exceed their own expectations, and enjoy learning from other teachers and share my experience with them.
I believe that teaming up with other teachers and parents to create exciting learning environments, is the key for future successes. Working together with other teachers in a creative, communicative and collaborative way, embracing interdisciplinary, entrepreneurship, curiosity, critical thinking and global literacy, will bring innovation to teaching and learning.
I have worked as a teacher and a teacher trainer for most of my career, teaching pupils from primary to secondary level and working with young teachers.
I have also worked as a project manager, for 6 years, for the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science, supervising primary and secondary schools in implementing the new curricula in order to match European goals.
As a Scientix and Space Awareness Ambassador for the European Schoolnet, I work with teachers from other European countries, creating activities to promote STEM careers among young pupils.
Since I finished my teacher training bachelor degree, I have attended several courses to keep me updated to the latest pedagogical approaches and technologies in the field of education. I have also delivered several courses and workshops for teachers in different subjects. I believe that the combination of digital content and in class teaching represents in my view one of the great challenges and opportunities for schools today.


Pre-Conference Workshops @ 15:00

W2 - Tech-infused STEAMS education for deep conceptual understanding

This workshop is designed to empower educators to leverage the power of STEAMS (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics, and Social) in their teaching practices. By focusing on the integration of tech into STEAMS topics, participants will learn practical strategies for creating engaging, interactive learning experiences that impart deeper understanding of subject material. 

Throughout the workshop, educators will explore various ways to incorporate STEAMS concepts into their curriculum: explore robotics to investigate principles of physics in action with sensors and microcontrollers, code websites to enhance digital literacy skills and program microcontrollers for interactive projects, design and build to understand engineering concepts, create digital art installations, use data visualisation tools to make math concepts come to life with data logging and analysis tools, collaborate on community projects to address real-world issues through open-source projects, with examples on utilising open-source electronic boards as one of the possible tools available. Topics covered will include hands-on activities, collaborative projects, and real-world applications that bridge the gap between traditional subjects and emerging technologies to solidify student understanding.

Educators will also discuss the social component of STEAMS education, exploring how to foster collaboration, communication, and critical thinking skills among students. By emphasising the importance of social interaction and community engagement in the learning process, participants will gain valuable insights into creating inclusive and dynamic learning environments.

The workshop aims to inspire educators to think creatively about how to integrate STEAMS topics with technology in their teaching practices. By providing practical examples, hands-on activities, and collaborative opportunities, participants will leave with a toolkit of strategies for enriching their curriculum and engaging their students in meaningful learning experiences.

EDUtech Europe 2024 Conference Day 1 @ 16:15

The science club at school: a bridge to meaningful STEAM projects

  • Communication tools: learn about methodologies used to talk science to a wide range of students.    
  • Innovative educational collaboration: learn how to integrate multiple stakeholders to promote the STEAM approach in a school environment.    
  • Practical tools and materials: take advantage of the resources tested locally and internationally.
last published: 24/May/24 09:55 GMT

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