Alexandra Read | Head of Learning Technology
Girls Day school Trust

Alexandra Read, Head of Learning Technology, Girls Day school Trust

Alexandra started her career in education teaching technology in the Florida Everglades and received her Master’s Degree in Educational Technology from Florida Gulf Coast University and a PhD in Education from the University of Central Florida. She was a leader in the development of digital education at ACS International Schools as a coordinator for Digital Teaching and Learning and is currently working with the Innovation and Learning Team as the Head of Learning technology at the Girls Day School Trust in the United Kingdom.  Alexandra is an expert at developing digital strategy and technology proficiency with schools and educational leaders. Her areas of interest and expertise include using technology to innovate and transform teaching and learning, experiential and immersive learning, technology and STEM education for girls, computer science education, implementing data solutions, technology planning, 1:1 mobile and cloud platforms, remote, hybrid and blended learning, technology coaching and strategic curriculum planning to promote creativity in schools.


EDUtech Europe 2024 Conference Day 1 @ 15:00

Panel – Sparking creative-IT: harnessing technology to foster creative learners

  • Unconventional uses of EdTech to encourage artistic expression
  • Virtual reality and augmented reality: stepping into the realm of imagination
  • Balancing screen time with hands-on creative experiences
last published: 24/May/24 09:55 GMT

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