Abid Patel | IT Director
Newham Community Learning

Abid Patel, IT Director, Newham Community Learning

Abid has been working in schools & EdTech for over 20 years. As the IT Director for Newham Community Learning, he leads on digital strategy, cyber security and delivery of all digital learning experiences for the Trust. He is a Google Certified Trainer & Innovator and is also leader of the Google Educator Group, GEG UK. During the height of the global pandemic, Abid collaborated with other Innovators and leading educators from around the world to help found the Global GEG. Abid has presented and spoken at many conferences and events globally. In recognition of his efforts in helping to improve digital outcomes for learners, he was awarded the title of EduFuturists Network Manager of the Year and also named in the EdTech50 “Ones to Note”.  Abid is a passionate advocate for sustainable digital transformation in schools. He was described by one of his fellow innovators as "a natural positive force and dreamer with 10X ideas".


EDUtech Europe 2024 Conference Day 1 @ 11:15

Panel – Strategies to build a resilient IT infrastructure

  • What elements need to be considered to build a safe, stable and accessible IT infrastructure in your school?
  • How can we best involve all stakeholders (learners, educators, and staff) in the planning and execution?
  • How to best prepare to face sudden challenges, from cybersecurity attacks to safeguarding matters
last published: 24/May/24 09:55 GMT

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