InfinityFly Ltd


InfinityFly Ltd offers cloud-based systems designed to transform your digital data. The flagship product, MyStartCloud, is a customisable platform that consolidates different systems and resources into a single platform. Staff policies, student profiles, tracking sheets, and so many more can be accessed with a single click.

MyStartCloud is a unique solution to organise your school’s digital world by putting everything in one customisable, icon driven platform. No more searching through shared drives, emails, or endless browser tabs. Simply set MyStartCloud as your school’s homepage and find important files and documents, and launch online apps with confidence and ease. Plus, it offers additional benefits such as social media integration and personalised links with Single Sign-On (SSO) and corporate branding.

Key benefits of MyStartCloud:

Organisation: Create custom collections to group favourite apps, files, and websites for easy access.

Up-to-date Information: A centralised hub, ensuring users always access the latest versions of files and documents.

Security: MyStartCloud provides a single point of access for cloud resources, improving data security.

Improved Communication: Integrating your social media feed allows staff to stay engaged, while an instant notification banner for important messages.

Improved Productivity: Streamline your workflow efficiency by leveraging the simplicity of MyStartCloud's centralised platform.






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Therese Ledesma







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