Asia’s Rail Growth: New Opportunities


With the digitalisation of rail services and operations taking place across Asia, opportunities are abundant in this part of the world. More than 79,000+ kilometres of rail projects are either planned or under construction, making Asia the most exciting rail market in the world.

Join us as we delve into key themes such as digitalization, smart infrastructure, operational efficiency, and passenger experience. Gain insights from thought leaders and industry pioneers, exchange ideas with peers, and explore cutting-edge solutions showcased by leading suppliers and service providers.

Whether you're a rail authority / operator, a government representative, an investor, or an innovator seeking to make your mark in the rail sector, Asia Pacific Rail offers unparalleled opportunities for learning, collaboration, and business growth.

The exhibition will cover the latest innovations and insights on digital rail, signaling & communications, operations & maintenance, asset management, mainline, and metro – all led by leading C-level executives and global rail leaders.



Digital Rail
Metro Projects
Mainline Projects

Intelligent Infrastructure Management
Signaling & Communications
Passenger Experience
Rail Power
Ticketing & Payments

Rail Freight

Rail Security




Plus, with a busy exhibition floor, packed with networking opportunities, on-floor presentations, product demonstrations, and more, Asia Pacific Rail 2025 is set to be bigger than before.

Mark your calendar, secure your place, and be part of the conversation shaping the future of rail transport in the dynamic Asia Pacific region. Let's build the future of rail together – at Asia Pacific Rail.



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