29 September 2020
OCTOBER 29, 2020
CPD sessions
sponsors & exhibitors
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Networking virtually will give you even more chances to meet the right innovators in the accounting community. Attendees, speakers, and exhibitors alike will be able to mix in a range of virtual meeting settings.
Establish connections with leading accounting and finance experts. Meet virtually, swap contact information and extend your network.
We have curated panels of industry experts to discuss key issues and answer some of your burning questions. You’ll be able to watch them live, pose questions to the panel and watch later on-demand. Accounting and Finance Show Toronto is bringing together the industry on one easy-to-use platform.
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Tevin Ankle now on + 1 646 619 1837 or email tevin.ankle@terrapinn.com
Bree Vaughn now on + 1 646 619 1819 or email bree.vaughn@terrapinn.com