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Tax Challenges in the Digital Marketplace
Tax, Accounting & Bookkeeping
Part 1: Transfer Pricing
- When your global sales - not domestic sales - becomes your raison d'ê·tre?
- Do you have a foreign Permanent Establishment?
- How do you transfer price a Permanent Establishments, a branch, a staffless subsidiary?
- What happens to your transfer pricing policy when your staffless entity adds staff, risk, and responsibilities?
Part 2: Corporate and Personal Tax Matters
- What are the corporate tax implications of operating through a branch or some form of entity?
- How does one determine residency and individual tax obligations for employees working across multiple jurisdictions?
- Is there help for managing payroll tax issues such as withholding foreign income and social security for mobile and assigned employees
- When is the strongest tax effect for mobile proprietors to immigrate to Canada or to emigrate from Canada?
Peter Megoudis, Expatriate Tax Director, Trowbridge Professional Corporation
Dean Morris, Senior Transfer Pricing Advisor, Trowbridge Professional Corporation
Developing & Executing a Succession Plan
Practice Management
- Determine what you want for the future of your practice
- Identify and train leaders to ensure a successful future and transition
- Considering M&A options and how to enhance value to prospective buyers
Melisa Gaetani, Partner, Tino-Gaetani & Carusi CPA
Panel: Tax Implications of the 2020 Filing Extension – The future of client communication, seasonal staffing, and tax planning
Tax, Accounting & Bookkeeping
- Transitioning internal and external communication and file exchange to a secure, touch-free format
- Turning your clients’ focus to on the long-term plan – how do new employees or vendor contracts effect their forecast and tax plan
- Reviewing 2020 “busy-season” hiring challenges that were affected by the tax extension and evolving these methods to avoid challenges in an uncertain climate
Jeanne Cheng, Partner & Regional Tax Leader, MNP LLP
Celia Meikle CPA CA, LPA, Partner, GMS Professional Corporation Chartered Professional Accountants
Anu Dogra, Tax Director, Baker Tilly WM LLP
Panel: The Cloud Accounting Era – Improving efficiency & communication
Practice Management
- Creating clear and concise messages internally and externally
- Accessing technology to overcome location barriers
- Increasing cost efficiency with automating strategies
Moderator: Kinga Jasek, Canada Account Manager, Receipt Bank
Trevor Kennedy, Managing Partner, Logan Katz
Lianne Hannaway, CFO for Ambitious Entrepreneurs, Wealthnuvo
Joti Vallabh, Managing Partner & Founder, Positive Accounting
Keynote: The Future of Accounting – Making the Push Toward Digitalization
- How to embrace the forced digitalization we’ve been experiencing and adapt in this new environment
- How to access skills to be a part of the future
- Examining the scalability of the tech in your firm
Regan McGrath, CEO & Founder, Metrics Chartered Professional Accountants
Keynote Panel: The Talent Paradigm Shift –Recruitment & Retention in the Modern-Day Accounting World
- Tailoring hiring criteria and job specifications to match diverse incoming talent
- Restructuring technology to improve talent management and organizational development
- Implementing flexible work environments and dynamic incentives to enhance recruitment and retention
Moderator: Graham Donald, President, Brainstorm Strategy Group Inc.
Darryl Wright, Talent & Future of Work Lead, EY
Jenny Okonkwo, FCMA(UK) CGMA, CPA, CMA, Founder, Black Female Accountants Network
Kirsten Maddocks, Vice President, People, CPA Ontario
Paul Peterson, Director, Talent Attraction, Grant Thornton
Leveraging technology to develop a ‘best in class’ service organization
Tax, Accounting & Bookkeeping
- Identifying areas of your business where technology can help solve repetitive manual processes
- Developing the optimal app stack for your firm
- Implementing and encouraging professional skills andtechnical development
Janeen Stodulski, Partner, Business Advisory Services, MNP LLP
Customer-Centricity – The key to achieving your desired outcomes
Practice Management
- Customer-centricity, client experience, promoters vs. detractors – Studying these 3 common terms to describe the act of putting customers at the center of a business’s core purpose.
- Identifying key drivers to perform better in terms of revenue, profit, and employee engagement
- Focusing on your customers - how it can help you scale your business and why technology is a key enabler to making that happen
- How to deliver best-in-class customer experience to grow your business and reignite purpose in your work
Eric Tung, Canada General Manager, Receipt Bank
QBOA Year-End - Book to tax is faster than ever!
Tax, Accounting & Bookkeeping
- With QBOA, Workpapers and Pro Tax are in one place with tools for year-end compilation engagements that can supercharge your workflow.
- With document management, trial balance review, financial statement generation, T1 and T2 tax and a seamless flow to one of the best cloud tax solutions on the market, Intuit has a solution that’s helping firms save time so that you can take your practice to the next level!
Sponsored by Intuit
James Astor, Senior Product Manager, Intuit Canada
Mike Ilnicki, Product Manager, Intuit Canada
Selling Your Firm? Best Practices for Running a Successful Practice Now and a Successful Sale in the Future
Practice Management
- Understanding a buyer’s mindset in a CPA firm acquisition
- Valuable steps to implement in your firm now
- Spotlight: automation, cloud and remote operations
Carrie Mulrooney, Owner, Incorporated
Darryl Boyd, Accounting Intermediary, Poe Group Advisors
Accounting & Bookkeeping for E-Commerce Clients
Tax, Accounting & Bookkeeping
- The six key elements that make e-commerce bookkeeping challenging: understanding sales tax; How to manage payment gateways; Inventory control; How to get the sales data you need from your e-com platform; navigatingthe wide world of apps; understanding your customers’ needs
- App stack for managing the finances for your on Amazon or Shopify business
Teresa Slack, CEO, Financly Bookkeeping Solutions
Increase Revenue by Expanding Your Service Offerings
Practice Management
- Adding value for and deriving additional revenue from existing clients
- Implementing a referral program
- Marketing your new services
- Identifying technologies that are driving growth in these new service offerings
Jim Bourke, Partner, Certified Public Accountant, WithumSmith+Brown
The Post-Covid Tax Implications of Your Clients’ US expansion
Tax, Accounting & Bookkeeping
- Typical considerations when considering a US expansion
- What does the tax landscape for your clients look like post CARES Act and other US tax provisions as a response to COVID-19
- State taxes and what exposures your clients may need to consider in the world of digital taxes and virtual nexus
- Increased audit activity from states and other bodies
- How do we help our clients maximize cash flow to prevent future loss or increase in taxes?
Julia Klann, Partner, Eastern Canada Leader - US Corporate Tax, Grant Thornton
The Ideal Client Profile
Practice Management
- Defining the elements of an Ideal Client Profile
- Identifying how an Ideal Client Profile creates effectiveness for your workflows
- Creating an actual, actionable profile
Kellie Parks, Cloud Accounting Specialist, Calmwaters Cloud Accounting
Investing in the Right Tech Stack to Provide Infinite Leverage for Your Firm
Tax, Accounting & Bookkeeping
- The importance of strategic IT investment
- How cloud technology paired with practice management can provide you with an unfair advantage
- Why cloud-first firms will continue to disproportionately win
Session Sponsored by Thomson Reuters
David Caron, Sotfware Trainer, Thomson Reuters DT Tax and Accounting Inc
Growing Your Business in Times of Crisis
Practice Management
- Improving customer service and implementing new customer retention strategies
- Examining tools to use for enhanced and secure client and internal communication
- How to pivot your customers to a digital relationship and building their trust
Tammatha Denyes, Chief Cloud Cpb, TD Accounting Services
Live Podcast: How does a bookkeeper take home multi-6 figures? ... (We're going to show you!)
Tax, Accounting & Bookkeeping
- "Is that even possible?”... The bookkeepers who said I don't know if it's possible but I'm going to figure it out and actually made it happen will tell you it is possible and there is unlimited growth potential in this industry.
- We'll provide insight on how you can harness this potential and how simple it can be
- You'll want to attend if you are: A professional bookkeeper; You want to advance to high value positions as a bookkeeper; You're committed to being successful
Lisa Campbell, Cpb, Cpfp, CEO Profit First Professionals Canada, Accelerate 2 Advisor, The Marcam Group
Michael Palmer, Chief Executive Officer, Pure Bookkeeping
An Accountant’s Guide to HR: Bootcamp for the Bean Counter
Practice Management
- The key ingredients for continued industry success in a world where technology is automating traditional accounting services
- Insights from proprietary ADP survey data – specific to the accounting sector, its workforce and clientele
- Which HR metrics provide key insights into a business, and how they can be applied in a real-life scenario; and
- How HR solutions align well with the accountants business model
Jonathan Lee, District Manager - Small Business Solutions, ADP Canada
Automating for Improved Workflow & Customer Relationship Management
Practice Management
- The value behind implementing a CRM software that manages communication with your current and potential customers
- Use data analysis to improve customer retention and drive sales growth
- Save time by automating mundane tasks
Andrew Wall, Partner, Cpa4it PC
Brad Celmainis, President, Brad Celmainis Accounting Solutions
Corporations in the Current Climate
Tax, Accounting & Bookkeeping
Part 1: Preserving wealth
- Proactive planning to preserve capital
- Resetting the bar through refreezes and utilizing losses
Part 2: Accessing current government funding
- Looking ahead to 2021 – what to expect in the new virtual SR&ED joint review format
- Investing in Canada through workforce expansion and upskilling, innovation and global growth
Lynne Zulian, Partner, Tax Services, Grant Thornton
Martha Oner, Partner, National Leader, RD & Government Incentives, Grant Thornton
Panel: Marketing to Move Your Firm Forward
Practice Management
- Simple and cost-effective steps you can take to increase your marketing footprint
- Tools you need to set apart your brand and connect with potential clients
- Integrating your marketing and business development teams
- Strategy to reach your target client with strong messaging
Moderator: Tammatha Denyes, Chief Cloud Cpb, TD Accounting Services
Anjali Dilawri, Partner, Logan Katz
Matthew Fulton, Managing Partner, Parkway Business Solutions
Seth David, Chief Nerd, Nerd Enterprises
last published: 28/Sep/20 21:06 GMT
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