Lora Shimp | Director - Immunization Center
John Snow Inc

Lora Shimp, Director - Immunization Center, John Snow Inc

Lora Shimp has over 30 years of experience in international development and maternal and child health, particularly in immunization program implementation and leadership. With her background in epidemiology, international primary health care, and communication and behavior change, Ms. Shimp has provided direct immunization technical assistance in coordination with countries' Ministries of Health and their immunization departments and with partners including WHO, UNICEF, Gavi, Gates Foundation, USAID, CDC, and CSOs. She has been engaged on global and regional immunization and vaccination advisory groups and with inter-agency coordinating committees across Africa (15+ countries) and in India and other countries, providing technical guidance and linking policy and practice from community levels upwards.


Main Congress Day 3 - 24th April @ 11:45

A new era for immunization supply chains

last published: 17/Feb/25 16:05 GMT

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