We like to offer our attendees the opportunity to choose the content most relevant to them. And to ensure that our sponsors meet as many of the right people as possible.

Here’s how we’ll do it....

Keynote theatre

Senior sponsors will be entitled to present alongside industry leading case studies in our Keynote Theatre. Ask us for the latest agenda.

1-2-1 Partnering

As a senior sponsor, you’ll be allocated a Networking Manager. They will work with you in the run up to the event to secure meetings and plan a schedule for you. At the event they’ll be ensuring the meetings take place, setting up more and generally making introductions.

Lead generation

Sponsoring the show is a much bigger marketing opportunity than just the main two days of the event. As a premium sponsor you’ll be able to join our Lead Generation Programme.

This is a digital inbound marketing programme that uses social marketing and marketing automation techniques and technologies to create awareness for your products and services and generate leads that you can add to your sales pipeline. Ask us and we’ll explain this in detail.

Pre-event branding

We’ll be heavily promoting the event from about 4 months out. Our campaign uses an integrated digital and direct marketing approach. As a sponsor your logo will prominently appear on all marketing material.


Who should sponsor / exhibit?


Cyber Security Congress


Harry Fox
+44 (0)207 092 1222


Jennifer Clark
t/ +44 (0)207 092 1220


Tayyab Abbasi
+44 (0)207 092 1210


The Cyber Security Congress is two events: A world-class conference where business leaders from around the world meet; and, a unique cyber security and information technology exhibition. To visit the exhibition is free. There is, naturally, a registration fee to attend the conference.