Admission Guidelines



Event operating hours (Bangkok time, GMT+7)

  • Conference:    
    - Day 1, 19 November: 09:00 – 17:30
    - Day 2, 20 November : 09:00 – 17:30
  • Exhibition: 09:00 - 17:30 daily

Registration hours (Bangkok time, GMT+7)

  • Conference:    
    - Day 1, 19 November : 08:30 – 16:00
    - Day 2, 20 November : 08:30 – 15:30
  • Exhibition: 08:30 - 16:00 daily

  • Telecoms World Asia 2024 is an event strictly reserved for trade professionals only.
  • Only registered attendees are allowed into the Halls.
  • The general public and minors below 18 years of age will not be admitted regardless of the presence of adults.
  • Each badge is valid for one person. Badges are non-transferable. You may be asked by the security personnel to present proof of identification before entering the Halls.


Attire guidelines

Only business attire is allowed in the Exhibition Halls. Bermudas, shorts, sports sandals, slippers, flip-flops etc. are strictly prohibited.


Photography and videography

Considering safe event management measures implemented for the event, please note that

  • No photography or video equipment allowed unless approval is obtained from the Organiser.
  • Recording of interviews must be scheduled and recorded in a booth and/or a designated room or enclosed location in the Hall.
  • All interviews must be scheduled in advance with the Organiser. Walking up to an attendee with a camera or microphone and asking for an interview without prior approval is not permitted.
All interviews must be scheduled in advance with the Organiser. Walking up to an attendee with a camera or microphone and asking for an interview without prior approval is not permitted. You may be photographed, audio recorded and video-recorded at Telecoms World Asia 2024 organised by Terrapinn Pte Ltd. By entering the event premises, you consent to all photographs, interviews, audio recordings and/or video recordings made, produced or taken of you ("Materials") and the use, release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction of the Materials in all marketing and communication materials in any media by Terrapinn, its affiliates and/or representatives. Should you wish to opt out of the above, please reach out to us at   


The Organiser reserves the rights to refuse admission from the event without having to specify a reason.

GET INVOLVED AT Telecoms World Asia




Franck Petit

Wilson Ledesma



Adam Ball



Hairol Salim