Kevin Walsh | CEO

Kevin Walsh, CEO, Chemishield

Kevin Walsh is the CEO and Founder of Chemishield. At the beginning of his career, Kevin started out as an Analytical Scientist with MSD before moving into the world of validation. Having witnessed a serious incident many years ago whilst working in a lab, where a colleague incorrectly disposed of chemical waste into a waste bottle, causing an explosion, Kevin set about on his Chemishield journey. After years of market research, it was evident that there was no software available to prevent the incompatible mixing of chemical waste. The traditional process of waste disposal involved the use of spreadsheets, paper log books, and reading SOPs to figure out how waste should be segregated. Kevin wanted to invent a digital tool that would remove the need for people to think where their waste should go. Chemishield arrived to the market pre pandemic after many years in development and now serves scientists worldwide to this very day, addressing all of the safety and environmental concerns of chemical waste management in the lab.


Day 2 (27th June) @ 10:45

How Pfizer addressed safety and environmental issues associated with chemical waste disposal in their labs with Chemishield

During this brief presentation we will examine the issues of chemical waste management in the lab, such as figuring out what waste bottle to use for certain solutions, how to prevent near misses and accidents, using waste data to make data driven decisions, inturn helping drive efficiencies with measurable benefits, moving labs towards a greener, safer, sustainable future. The presentation will focus on how Pfizer achieved the above through the use of Chemishield.

last published: 03/May/24 15:45 GMT

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