Natascha Wuillemin | Executive VP Immunology
Mabylon AG

Natascha Wuillemin, Executive VP Immunology, Mabylon AG

Natascha Wuillemin, Executive VP Immunology, has joined Mabylon in August 2015 driven by her interest in immunotherapy and allergic diseases in particular. She has a Master degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences (ETH Zurich) and a PhD in Immunology (University of Bern). During her PhD and post-doctoral training, she has acquired expertise in immunology and allergology, including but not limited to cellular assays for in vitro allergy research.


Festival of Biologics Day 2 @ 14:20

MY006: allergen-targeted antibodies for the treatment of peanut allergy

last published: 12/Apr/24 08:55 GMT

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