Connected Europe Day 1

08:00 Registration opens

Building the Gigabit Society

Alexandre Fonseca

Strategies for building fibre networks for the Gigabit Society

Enrique Blanco Nadales

Connectivity as the cornerstone of Europe’s future prosperity

Allison Kirkby

Delivering connectivity for the Gigabit Society

Panel discussion


    is CxO panel session our keynote speakers will join a discussion where we will explore some of the key issues telcos face in delivering on targets set out in the Electornic Communication Code:
  •     Business models for delivering European Electronic Communications Code targets
  •     Understanding the socioeconomic benefits of ultrafast broadband
  •     How will the changing EU political landscape impact the development of the Gigabit Society?
  •     Exploring the effects of Brexit 
Ronan Kelly

The realities about Gigabit Societies

The Gigabit Society concept is rapidly progressing along the hype-cycle. Sitting proudly at the forefront of politicians' agendas and operators' strategies, is the demand for gigabit societies real and will it be possible for operators to deploy the required networks in a time frame that is relevant?
Ronan Kelly, CTO, EMEA and APAC regions, ADTRAN International

Speed networking

10:40 Networking refreshments


Panel discussion

Rural access: Delivering connectivity for the hardest-to-reach

  •     Understanding the current state of investment and regulation for delivering rural access networks
  •     Business models for rural access
  •     The role of alternative access technologies including satellite and hybrid networks 
Gabor Altmann

A new type of connectivity for the rural area


round tables

Roundtables exploring how Europe can deliver gigabit networks across the continent.

  • Exploring the role of non-fibre technologies in Europe's gigabit future; copper as a substitute?
  • Oliver Johnson

    Oliver Johnson, Chief Executive Officer, Point Topic

  • How can we accelerate investment in Europe's digital infrastructure?
  • Michael Dargue

    Michael Dargue, Principal, Cartesian

  • Regulatory enablers to the roll-out of high capacity networks
  • Yvan Desmedt

    Yvan Desmedt, Partner-in-Charge Amsterdam, Jones Day

  • The rural issue: Delivering high speed broadband to the hardest to reach
  • Gediminas Seckus

    Gediminas Seckus, Head of Legal and Corporate Affairs, Placiajuostis internetas

  • World FTTx rollouts: worldwide picture and lessons to be learned
  • Roland Montagne

    Roland Montagne, Principal Analyst, Director DigiWorld Institute UK, IDATE

    13:10 Lunch & networking


    Panel discussion

    Preparing Europe's infrastructure for a digital future

    •     Delivering fibre across Europe
    •     Transforming fixed access networks
    •     How does the Europe Electronic Communications Code impact business models?
    •     Encouraging collaboration between different approaches and different technologies to create a thriving digital economy and society
    Konstantin Hasselbach, Manager of Access Network Development, Starman
    Eric Joyce, Office of the CTO, EMEA region, Adtran
    Hans Witdouck

    Moving towards FTTEurope

    •     Understanding fibrenomics in Europe
    •     Demand dynamics
    •     When will we need gigabit networks?
    •     Incentivising fibre investment for the digital future
    •     Learning from the trailblazers
    Hans Witdouck, CEO, Eurofiber Belgium
    Mariano Cunietti

    The cloud, or what happens to buzzwords when they grow old

    Mariano Cunietti, CTO & Cloud & Hosting BU Manager, Enter


    Panel discussion

    Delivering Europe's 5G future

    •     How can Europe become a 5G leader?
    •     Delivering networks that are 5G ready
    •     Business models for deployment of 5G 
    •     The importance of 5G for delivering the IoT
    •     Progress of 5G trials in Europe to date
    •     When will Europe be ready for 5G?
    Mika Raitola, Innovation Lead, Telia Finland
    Stephen Pentland

    Bringing 5G to the forefront of European broadband policy

    •     Creating a regulatory framework that supports the deployment of 5G
    •     Standards for spectrum regulation
    •     Promoting public and private investment
    •     Fostering collaboration between key stakeholders

    Reserved for Gold Partner

    16:40 Networking refreshments

    Panel discussion

    EU GDPR, a land of opportunity for telcos?

    •     Levelling the playing field with the OTTs
    •     Exploring new revenue opportunities in the ‘personal data economy’
    •     Understanding the impact on data services including the IoT and 5G
    Moderator: David Cullen, Director - Regulation and Policy, ITS Technology Group Ltd

    17:50 Drinks reception

    last published: 09/Oct/17 16:45 GMT