Tony Vail | Founder and Chief Innovation Officer
Wealth Wzards

Tony Vail, Founder and Chief Innovation Officer, Wealth Wzards

Tony started his career at Prudential where he qualified as an actuary, but soon found that his desire to shake things up led to him into new ventures. He has been a founder of Egg, Zopa and now Wealth Wizards, as well as being an adviser on strategy and product development to various blue chip businesses along the way.


Wealth 2.0 Day 1 - 28th November 2018 @ 15:00

What qualifies as AI and what doesn’t’?

  • Impact of automation and shift towards self-service delivery as the primary access point in the delivery mix
  • What have we achieved: Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) vs. Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)?
  • What can we expect in the next 5 years from this technology space
  • AI influenced ETF’s and it’s in/ability to serve complex investment needs
last published: 27/Nov/18 11:35 GMT

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