Mirna Eusebio Lithgow | Founder and Chief Executive Officer
LeapView Group, LLC

Mirna Eusebio Lithgow, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, LeapView Group, LLC

Mirna Eusebio Lithgow is an award-winning and high-achieving technology marketer and product executive with over twenty years of multinational experience managing brands, P&L, and product portfolios of up to $10 billion in Fortune 500 companies such as Verizon, France Telecom/Orange, and Optimum. A sought-after thought leader, speaker, board member, and trusted C-level advisor in digital and business transformation as Founder and CEO of LeapView Group.

A women’s leadership advocate and a passionate supporter of technology, education, and entrepreneurship. Her work has been awarded and featured by CableFax, Forbes LATAM, She Runs It, The WICT Network, ADWEEK, among others. A trusted C-Suite advisor, brand strategist, and customer experience advocate selected for key business transformational projects, driving growth for top tech brands, strategic business units, and deployment of cutting-edge technology ( IOT, 5G, Connectivity & WIFI, IPVPN, SD-Wan, among others) initiatives within Telecom, Mobile & Tech industries for Consumer and Business segments. Lithgow is a marketing and corporate finance graduate from Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra, and she has a master’s in marketing from Barna School of Business/EADA Barcelona, with management and leadership studies at Illinois State University, Women in Cable Telecommunications BMLI, and Stanford Graduate School of Business. A founding member at CHIEF, WICT Network Prime Access mentor, and American Red Cross NY/LI Board Member.
Drawing from experience and stories from exceptional leaders, Lithgow shares her playbook on embracing change and making it your currency as the author of Leap Out of Your Lane. Mirna enjoys the outdoors, live music, concerts, sports, and the theater with her husband, daughter, and son. Areas of Expertise
P&L Management | Growth | Marketing & Brand| Product Marketing & Development | Business Transformation| Digital | Customer Experience | Operations

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Laura Curwen