Keiji Kawahara | Director
Tsuda Electric Meters Co., Ltd.

Keiji Kawahara, Director, Tsuda Electric Meters Co., Ltd.

Dr. Keiji Kawahara joined West Japan Railway Company in 1991. From 1996 ‒ 2003, he was an Assistant Senior Researcher at Railway Technical Research Institute. In 2003, he received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering. He won the 54th Electrical Science and Engineering Promotion Award from the Promotion Foundation for Electrical Science and Engineering in 2006 and the 73th IEEJ Technical Development Award in 2017.

He was appointed Chief Electrotechnical Officer of the Technical Development Department in 2017. His research interests include: improvement of the quality of DC and AC power feeding systems, development of protective devices for feeder circuits, lightning protection technology in traffic substations, life-time evaluation of electronic equipment, and prevention of electric shock. He is currently on secondment to Tsuda Electric Meters co., ltd as a Director.


Asia Pacific Rail 2024 : DAY 1 @ 12:30

Safe & stable transport: Innovations at DC feeder circuit protection in Japan & worldwide insight into fault locator on shinkansen and conventional train system

ระบบขนส่งที่ปลอดภัยและมั่นคง: นวัตกรรมระบบป้องกันไฟฟ้าลัดวงจรกระแสตรง (DC Feeder) ในประเทศญี่ปุ่น พร้อมวิสัยทัศน์ระดับโลกเกี่ยวกับเครื่องมือระบุจุดที่เกิดความผิดพลาดบนระบบรถไฟชินคันเซ็น(Shinkansen) และระบบรถไฟทั่วไป


last published: 28/Apr/24 06:25 GMT

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