Imagine the unmatched energy of a Terrapinn conference streaming to you at home.
Image world-class speakers sharing their insights on the hottest topics in the industry.
Imagine 24 hours of unparalleled content, community from all over the globe and a fully digital experience created just for you.
Now, more than at any time in history, we need a space to come together, spark ideas, innovations and relationships. Our aim is to help you not only survive, but thrive and grow together as we move into a future at the same time more exciting and more perilous than we ever imagined. Join us.
Starting in APAC and moving through MEA, Europe and the Americas, we are selecting some of the most important operators and industry leaders from around the world to record 30 Minute virtual talks sharing their insights and knowledge
We have curated panels of 4-5 industry experts to debate some of your burning questions. You’ll be able to watch them live, pose questions to the panel and watch later on-demand
This is where it gets really interactive. Join a virtual roundtable on a topic of your choice, then virtually meet, discuss and network with operators facing the same issues.
The secret sauce is a highly engaged community who take the time to engage with the platform. We hope you'll be one of them.