I have a who can I contact?
It can take up to 24 hours for your registration details to be available in the app.
If you're still unable to log in after this period, email
Can I link my profile with my LinkedIn profile?
See instructions
- (5a)
Please note you can only pull in the profile picture from LinkedIn
How can I change my interests?
Go to profile > Edit profile > Interested in
See instructions
How do I change my email address?
See instructions
How do I update my company profile?
See instructions
My booth
What will my virtual booth look like?
Exhibitor Guide PDF
with example visuals.
See instructions on how to update your virtual booth
- (2) or if you have Grip Teams enabled you can update your virtual booth
. You can embed videos and add additional resources (via external link to, for example, a sales brochure PDF).
Is there a way to drive more traffic to my virtual booth?
Yes - speak to your Client Manager for promotional opportunities.
Will I receive contact information of the people who come by the booth?
No, you will not receive contact information, however, you will see who has viewed your company, shown interest in your company or your colleagues and then request a meeting with those individuals.
How do I upload videos to my booth page?
See instructions
Networking / Meetings
When can I start reaching out to people?
As soon as the platform is live, you are able to ‘Claim your profile’/log in. You can then begin interacting with others. See networking options
How do I find people with similar interests?
The profiling questions which everyone must fill out during registration will allow Grip to set up your ‘recommended’ attendees. Alternatively, you can filter your search by name or interests.
How do I manage my availability?
Profile -> Manage My Availability
Will my profile take into account the scheduled sessions I have signed up to?
Once you have added your sessions into the calendar, your personal agenda will show that you are not available for a meeting.
How long are the meetings for?
The meeting slots are 15 minutes long.
Can I add another member of my team to a conversation?
Inside of the virtual meeting room, you will be able to copy the link and share that with the individual you would like to join you. This link is made available inside the virtual meeting room 5 minutes before the meeting is due to take place.
How do I reschedule a meeting?
See instructions
What do the networking categories (meet, chat, interested, skip) mean?
See explanation
Can I export my connections contact details?
No. Users contact details are not displayed or exportable in the platform.
Can I change the meeting host?
See instructions
Sessions / Content
Can I see everyone that has attended my sponsored session?
Yes, anyone that has added the sponsored session to their calendar and watched that session will be delivered as an inbound lead inside your Teams area.
Can I export a list of participants attending the event?
No - you will be able to view the attendee list, however, you will be unable to export the attendee list
Can I fully brand a sponsored presentation? If so, how?
A sponsored session will have the name of the company and their logo at the top, however, for a fully branded sponsored page, please discuss this with your client manager.
How long is the platform available after the event?
The platform will remain accessible for 30 days after the last day of the event.