Ariette Van Strien | President
Marken, a UPS company

Ariette Van Strien, President, Marken, a UPS company

Ariette Van Strien, President, offers 28 years of clinical research experience from Phase I to Phase IV and has held senior executive roles across global marketing and business development, pricing as well as project management and global operations functions. Ariette’s ability to lead global teams has built strong, strategic relationships with major Pharma and CRO companies. Her extensive work on the central lab and clinical side brings a unique perspective of the supply chain to her current role. Since joining Marken in 2010, Ariette has drawn on her experience to position Marken as an industry leader across the clinical trial supply chain, and to develop optimized solutions and new service offerings for Marken’s clients. Ariette has a Diploma as a National Public Relation Consultant, a Baccalaureate of Modern Languages and Biological Sciences, and a Superior French Language degree from the International College of Cannes, France.


Day 3: Friday 21st May 2021 - Commercialisation, Pricing & Access @ 13:30

Overcoming pain points in the CGT value chain by creating a scalable and collaborative ecosystem

·This session will feature interviews with leaders in Biopharma and logistics as they discuss their pain points as they move cell and gene therapies into commercialization.
last published: 10/May/21 08:45 GMT

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