

    April 21, 2025 | Pre- Congress Workshops

    April 22-24, 2025 | Main Congress Days 



    R&D + Strategic Partnering
    for the Global Vaccine Industry





The Most Important Vaccine Event of The Year



Covering Clinical Development, Bioprocessing & Manufacturing, Cancer Immunotherapy and much more



250+ leading solution providers from across the globe, featuring new ways of thinking and novel partnerships to generate solutions



Networking is at the heart of World Vaccine Congress Washington. Our congress allows you to connect directly with thousands of vaccine experts across 4 days of built-in 1-2-1 networking  


The Start-to-Finish of Vaccines

From research, immune profiling & clinical trials to manufacture and access. 

Vaccine Clinical Trials
Clinical Trials
Understand how to move your vaccine candidates through development phases to licensure
Immune Profiling
Immune Profiling
Explores recent efforts into infectious disease modelling, immune characterization and T/B cell interplay.
Covid & Beyond
Covid & Beyond
Pandemic preparedness, next generation vaccines, broadly protective and combination approaches
Cancer Immunotherapy
Cancer & Immunotherapy
Cancer vaccines and the future of combination treatments
Supply & Logistics
Supply & Logistics
Learn how we are dealing with the supply demands and the technologies that will allow last mile delivery
Market Access
Market Access
Understand the dynamics governing global vaccine markets & what interventions can be made for better access
Influenza & Respiratory
Influenza & Respiratory
Latest updates in RSV, influenza, pneumococcal, pan- and combinational vaccines
Vaccine Safety
Vaccine Safety
New tools to measure vaccine surveillance, safety and managing misinformation
Veterinary Vaccine
A one health approach to battle emerging zoonotic diseases and climate change
Bioprocessing & manufacturing
Bioprocessing & Manufacturing
Meet with the manufacturers & bioprocessing experts to advance your vaccine formulation, tech transfer & scale-up
Vaccine Partnerships
Secure funding and navigate through successful Public-Private-Partnerships with all stakeholders
Emerging and re-emerging diseases
Emerging & Re-Emerging Diseases
From Disease X preparedness, neglected diseases to global health vaccine development & new platforms


Our incredible line-up for 2025


  • Karen Acker at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Karen Acker
    Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics
    Weill Cornell Medicine
    Sudhakar Agnihothram at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Sudhakar Agnihothram
    Associate Director of Office Regulatory Initiative
  • Richard Almot at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Richard Almot
    Scientific Programme Leader, Behavioural Science Team
    UK Health Security Agency
    Galit Alter at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Galit Alter
    VP of Immunology Research
  • Annaliesa Anderson at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Annaliesa Anderson
    SVP and Head, Vaccine R&D
    Asimenia Angelidou at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Asimenia Angelidou
    Harvard Medical School
  • Soleh Ayubi at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Soleh Ayubi
    Deputy Chief Executive Officer
    Bio Farma
    Kabeer Aziz at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Kabeer Aziz
    Adjuvant Capital
  • Katharine Bagshaw at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Katharine Bagshaw
    Senior Immunization Advisor,
    Irnela Bajrovic at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Irnela Bajrovic
    Chief Scientific Officer
    Jurata Thin Film, Inc.
  • Inna Ben-Anat at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Inna Ben-Anat
    Global Head, Manufacturing 4.0
    Georges Benjamin at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Georges Benjamin
    Executive Director
    American Public Health Association
  • Maria Elena Bottazzi at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Maria Elena Bottazzi
    Co-Director of Texas Children's Hospital Center for Vaccine Development
    Baylor College of Medicine
    Michelle Brown at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Michelle Brown
    Vice President, Portfolio Lead, Oncology
    Moderna Therapeutics
  • Lynlee Burton at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Lynlee Burton
    Vice President, Vaccines
    Syneos Health
    Alison M Buttenheim MBA at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Alison M Buttenheim MBA
    University of Pennsylvania
  • Paolo Casali at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Paolo Casali
    UT Ashbel Smith Professor and Distinguished Prof of Microbiology Immunology & Molecular Genetics
    UT Health San Antonio
    Francesca Ceddia at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Francesca Ceddia
    Chief Medical Affairs Officer
  • Lee-Jah Chang at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Lee-Jah Chang
    Head of Clinical Development, Vaccines and Immune Therapies
    Dennis Christensen at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Dennis Christensen
    Head of Global R&D
  • Matthew G. Clark at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Matthew G. Clark
    Joint Project Manager, CBRN Medical
    Hazel Clothier at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Hazel Clothier
    Lead Epidemiologist, Vaccine Safety, Center for Health Analytics
    Mudoch Childrens Research Institute
  • Christian Cobaugh at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Christian Cobaugh
    Vernal Biosciences
    Wayland Coker at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Wayland Coker
    Chief Supply Chain Strategist
  • Tim Cooke at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Tim Cooke
    Stephen Crooke at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Stephen Crooke
    Vaccine Immunology Lead, Viral Vaccine Preventable Diseases
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Delese Mimi Darko at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Delese Mimi Darko
    Chief Executive Officer
    Food and Drugs Authority, Ghana
    Demetre C. Daskalakis at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Demetre C. Daskalakis
    Director, NCIRD
  • Don Diamond at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Don Diamond
    Director, Division of Vaccine Research & Professor, Dept of Hem & HCT
    City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center
    Gary Disbrow at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Gary Disbrow
  • Anna Durbin at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Anna Durbin
    Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
    Scot Ebbinghaus at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Scot Ebbinghaus
    Vice President and Therapeutic Area Head for Late-Stage Oncology Clinical Development
  • Mark Emalfarb at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Mark Emalfarb
    Chief Executive Officer
    Dyadic International Inc
    Jay Evans at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Jay Evans
    Chief Scientific and Strategy Officer
  • Daniel Faissol at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Daniel Faissol
    Principal Investigator, Center for Bioengineering, Executive Director, Predictive Design of Biologics
    Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
    William Falstich at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    William Falstich
    Vice President, Global Supply Chain, Primary Care
  • Donna Farber at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Donna Farber
    Chief, Division of Surgical Sciences and Professor of Microbiology & Immunology
    columbia university
    Temi Folaranmi at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Temi Folaranmi
    Vice President, US Medical Affairs
  • Stephen Framil at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Stephen Framil
    Corporate Global Head of Accessibility
    Merck & Co. Inc.
    Stine Friis at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Stine Friis
    Evaxion Biotech A/S
  • Gian Gandhi at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Gian Gandhi
    Deputy Director, Vaccine Access, Immunization Program Strategy Team
    Cyril Gay at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Cyril Gay
    Senior National Program Leader
    A.R.S. National Programs
  • Venus Gines at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Venus Gines
    Dia de la Mujer Latina
    Rebecca Gluskin at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Rebecca Gluskin
    Social Science Research Council
  • Jimmy Gollihar at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Jimmy Gollihar
    Head of Antibody Discovery and Accelerated Protein Therapeutics (ADAPT)
    Houston Methodist Hospital
    Marion Gruber at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Marion Gruber
    Director Of Office For Vaccines
  • Anuradha Gupta at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Anuradha Gupta
    President of Global Immunization
    Sabin Vaccine Institute
    Swati Gupta at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Swati Gupta
    VP, Head of Emerging Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology
    International AIDS Vaccine Initiative
  • Sanjay Gurunathan at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Sanjay Gurunathan
    Vice President, Global Clinical Development
    Bassam Hallis at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Bassam Hallis
    Deputy Director, Research and Evaluation
    UK Health Security Agency
  • David Hamer at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    David Hamer
    Professor of Global Health and Medicine, BU Schools of Public Health and Medicine
    Boston University School of Public Health
    Jenny Harries at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Jenny Harries
    Chief Executive Officer
    UK Health Security Agency
  • Renee Hart at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Renee Hart
    President & CBO
    Bill Hausdorff at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Bill Hausdorff
    Lead, Meningococcal Vaccine Development and Vaccines Public Health Value Proposition and
    PATH, Center for Vaccine Innovation and Access
  • Ana Maria Henao-Restrepo at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Ana Maria Henao-Restrepo
    Co-Lead R&D Blueprint for epidemics, Health Emergencies Programme (WHE),
    World Health Organisation
    Matthew Hepburn at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Matthew Hepburn
    Chief Medical Officer
  • Jaime E Hernandez at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Jaime E Hernandez
    Executive Medical Director, Clinical Development
    Syneos Health
    Adrian Hill at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Adrian Hill
    Director and Professor
    The Jenner Institute - University of Oxford
  • James Hodge at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    James Hodge
    Jr., J.D., LL.M, Peter Kiewit Foundation Professor of Law, Director, Center for Public Health Law and Policy
    Arizona State University
    Stephen Hoffman at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Stephen Hoffman
    Chief Executive And Scientific Officer
  • Chris Houchens at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Chris Houchens
    Director, Division CBRN MCMs
    Xufei Huang at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Xufei Huang
    MSU Research Foundation Professor, Associate Chair for Research, Chemistry and Biomedical Engineering
    Michigan State University
  • Richard Hughes IV at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Richard Hughes IV
    Partner, Epstein, Becker & Green
    The George Washington University Law School
    Lecia Imbery at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Lecia Imbery
    Government Affairs Director
    Vaccinate Your Family
  • Karin Jooss at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Karin Jooss
    EVP and Head of Research and Development
    Gritstone Bio
    Ashley Kalinauskas at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Ashley Kalinauskas
    Torigen Pharmaceuticals
  • Esper Georges Kallás at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Esper Georges Kallás
    Instituto Butantan
    Maria Karasarides at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Maria Karasarides
    Former Vice President, Worldwide Medical Oncology, Early Assets & Biomarkers
    The Delphina Group
  • David Kaslow at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    David Kaslow
    Office Director
    Pravin Kaumaya at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Pravin Kaumaya
    Indiana university School of Medicine
  • Hans Keirstead at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Hans Keirstead
    The Human Immunome Project
    Edward Kelley at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Edward Kelley
    Chief Global Health Officer
  • Jerome Kim at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Jerome Kim
    Director General
    Neville Kisalu at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Neville Kisalu
    Program Advisor, Vaccine Immunologist
  • Sabra L Klein at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Sabra L Klein
    Professor of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
    Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
    Charles Kline at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Charles Kline
    Associate Vice President
  • Lucine Kostanyan at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Lucine Kostanyan
    Senior Director, Clinical Development, Infectious Diseases
    Phil Krause at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Phil Krause
  • Mahesh Kumar at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Mahesh Kumar
    Senior VP, Global Biologics R&D
    Rekha Lakshmanan at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Rekha Lakshmanan
    Contributing Expert, Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy; Chief Strategic Officer
    The Immunization Partnership
  • Heather Lanthorn at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Heather Lanthorn
    Mercury Project | Social Science Research Council
    Paul Lawrence at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Paul Lawrence
    Director of Research and Development
  • Luigi Lay at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Luigi Lay
    Lecturer -Department of Chemistry
    University of MILAN
    Alexandre Le Vert at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Alexandre Le Vert
    Chief Executive Officer
  • Matthew Leibovitch at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Matthew Leibovitch
    Senior Scientist - Assay Development
    Q2 Solutions
    Wolfgang Leitner at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Wolfgang Leitner
    Chief, Innate Immunity Section
    National Institute of Health - NIAID
  • Ofer Levy at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Ofer Levy
    Director, Precision Vaccines Program
    Boston Children's Hospital
    James Love at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    James Love
    Knowledge Ecology International
  • Tom Mahoney at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Tom Mahoney
    Senior Fellow, Advanced Leadership Initiative
    Harvard University
    Alessandro Manenti at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Alessandro Manenti
    Chief Development Officer
  • Peter Marks at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Peter Marks
    Director, CBER
    U.S. Food and Drug Administration
    Jeanne Marrazzo at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Jeanne Marrazzo
    The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases NIAID
  • Elizabeth Martin at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Elizabeth Martin
    VP, Clinical Development
    Gritstone bio, Inc.
    John Mattison at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    John Mattison
    Operating Partner, Chief Medical Information Officer
    Arsenal Capital Partners
  • Francesca Micoli at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Francesca Micoli
    Director GVGH Innovation Academy and Senior Project Leader
    Kayvon Modjarrad at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Kayvon Modjarrad
    Executive Director, Viral Vaccines
  • Flor Munoz-Rivas at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Flor Munoz-Rivas
    Associate Professor Of Pediatrics-Infectious Disease
    Baylor College of Medicine
    Mark Newman at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Mark Newman
    Chief Scientific Officer
  • Dawn O'Connell at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Dawn O'Connell
    Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR)
    United States Department of Health and Human Services
    Derek O'Hagan at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Derek O'Hagan
    Senior Advisor in R&D
    GSK Vaccines
  • Isabel Oliver at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Isabel Oliver
    Director General of Science & Research and Chief Scientific Officer
    UK Health Security Agency
    Masaru (Rusty) Oshita at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Masaru (Rusty) Oshita
    Apex Research Group
  • Mayur Patel at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Mayur Patel
    VP Global R&D Product Development and Portfolio Management
    Gabriela Paz-Bailey at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Gabriela Paz-Bailey
    Chief of the Dengue Branch
  • Wolfgang Philipp at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Wolfgang Philipp
    Principal Adviser, Chief Science Officer
    European Commission Health Emergency Preparedness & Response (HERA)
    Amy Pisani at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Amy Pisani
    Chief Executive Officer
    Vaccinate Your Family
  • Gregory Poland at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Gregory Poland
    Director of Mayo Vaccine Research Group
    Mayo Clinic
    Bali Pulendran at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Bali Pulendran
    Professor, Department Of Pathology, Microbiology And Immunology
    Stanford University School of Medicine (USA)
  • Marlen Ramirez at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Marlen Ramirez
    CHW/CHWI, Programs Coordinator
    Vaccinate Your Family
    Raman Rao at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Raman Rao
    Chief Executive Officer
    Hilleman Laboratories Singapore Pte Ltd
  • Bishoy Rizkalla at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Bishoy Rizkalla
    Vice President, Medical Affiars, Latent Virsues
    Ruben Rizzi at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Ruben Rizzi
    SVP Global Regulatory Affairs
    Biontech SE
  • Michelle Roberts at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Michelle Roberts
    Global Medical Franchise Head , RSV, Vaccines
    Jerald Sadoff at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Jerald Sadoff
    Chief Medical Officer
  • Sushant Sahastrabuddhe at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Sushant Sahastrabuddhe
    Deputy Director General
    International Vaccine Institute
    Daniel Salmon at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Daniel Salmon
    Director, Institute for Vaccine Safety
    Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
  • Channing Sebo at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Channing Sebo
    Associate Director Insights and Outcomes; Sequivity Technology
    Merck Animal Health
    Rafick-Pierre Sékaly at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Rafick-Pierre Sékaly
    Professor and Vice-Chair of Translational Medicine
    Emory University - School of Medicine
  • Alessandro Sette at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Alessandro Sette
    La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology
    Angela Shen at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Angela Shen
    Consultant for COVID-19 Vaccine Introduction Evaluation
    University of Pennsylvania
  • Lindsey Shields at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Lindsey Shields
    Deputy Director, Epidemic Prepardness and Response
    Lora Shimp at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Lora Shimp
    Director - Immunization Center
    John Snow Inc
  • Jeffrey Skolnik at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Jeffrey Skolnik
    Senior Vice President Of Clinical Development
    Inovio Pharmaceuticals
    William Smith at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    William Smith
    Chief Executive Officer
  • Denise Smith at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Denise Smith
    MBA, CHW, PN, Executive Director
    National Association of Community Health Workers
    Pilar Snowden at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Pilar Snowden
    Medical Director, RSV
  • Mike Stebbins at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Mike Stebbins
    Executive Director
    Medical CBRN Defense Consortium
    Walter Straus at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Walter Straus
    Vice President, Clinical Safety & Risk Management
    Moderna Therapeutics
  • Julie Suman at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Julie Suman
    Vice President, Scientific Affairs
    Aptar Pharma
    Rajinder Suri at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Rajinder Suri
    Chief Executive Officer
    Developing Countries Vaccine Manufacturers Network
  • Petro Terblanche at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Petro Terblanche
    Chief Executive Officer
    Afrigen Biologics (Pty) Ltd
    Angus Thomson at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Angus Thomson
  • Thomas Tillett at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Thomas Tillett
    Chief Executive Officer
    MBF Therapeutics
    Jane True at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Jane True
    VP, mRNA CSI & Global Pandemic Security Lead
  • Sean Tucker at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Sean Tucker
    Richard J Webby at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Richard J Webby
    Director, World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Studies on the Ecology of Influenza in Animals and Birds
    St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
  • Markus Winterberg at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Markus Winterberg
    Head of Analytical Development, Microbiology, and Quality Control
    LTS Lohmann
    Steven Witte at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Steven Witte
    Director, Biologics Development Module, NBAF
  • Daniel Wolfe at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Daniel Wolfe
    Deputy Direct, BARDA CBRN Medical Countermeasures
    Biomedical Advanced Research And Development Authority
    Prashant Yadav at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Prashant Yadav
    Affiliate Professor of Technology & Operations Management and Faculty Director, Africa Initiative
  • Larry Zeitlin at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
    Larry Zeitlin
    Mapp Biopharmaceutical, Inc.


Our 2025 Sponsors and Exhibitors


  • Diamond Sponsor

    Advanced Technology International at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Diamond Sponsor

    Bavarian Nordic at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Diamond Sponsor

    EmVenio at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
  • Diamond Sponsor

    PPD, part of Thermo Fisher Scientific at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Diamond Sponsor

    Q² Solutions at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Platinum Sponsor

    LumaCyte at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
  • Platinum Sponsor

    Parexel at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Gold Sponsor

    ApiJect Systems at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Gold Sponsor

    Avacare at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
  • Gold Sponsor

    Croda Pharma at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Gold Sponsor

    Exothera at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Gold Sponsor

    hVIVO at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
  • Gold Sponsor

    ICON PLC at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Gold Sponsor

    Syneos Health at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Gold Sponsor

    TriLink Biotechnologies at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
  • Gold Sponsor

    Univercells at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Gold Sponsor

    Quantoom Biosciences at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Silver Sponsor

    360biolabs at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
  • Silver Sponsor

    AMR at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Silver Sponsor

    Allucent at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Silver Sponsor

    Airfinity at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
  • Silver Sponsor

    Care Access at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Silver Sponsor

    Sartorius at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Silver Sponsor

    Aragen Lifesciences Ltd at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
  • Silver Sponsor

    FHI Clinical at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Silver Sponsor

    Flourish Research at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Silver Sponsor

    GenScript USA at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
  • Silver Sponsor

    Headlands Research at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Silver Sponsor

    SSI Diagnostica at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Silver Sponsor

    Integral Molecular at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
  • Silver Sponsor

    Novo Nordisk Pharmatech at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Silver Sponsor

    P95 at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Silver Sponsor

    PRATIA at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
  • Silver Sponsor

    Recipharm at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Silver Sponsor

    Tekton Research at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Silver Sponsor

    Verified Clinical Trials at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
  • Silver Sponsor

    Vernal Biosciences at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Silver Sponsor

    Vismederi at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Silver Sponsor

    WuXi Biologics - WuXi XDC at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
  • Bronze Sponsor

    Acasus at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Bronze Sponsor

    Apex Research Group at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Bronze Sponsor

    IDT Biologika at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
  • Bronze Sponsor

    Aptar Pharma at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Bronze Sponsor

    CastleVax at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Bronze Sponsor

    Children's Hospital Boston at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
  • Bronze Sponsor

    VAXXAS at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Bronze Sponsor

    Elite Research Network LLC at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Bronze Sponsor

    InDevR at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
  • Bronze Sponsor

    Intravacc at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Bronze Sponsor

    Jurata Thin Film, Inc. at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Bronze Sponsor

    LTS Lohmann at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
  • Bronze Sponsor

    Merck at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Bronze Sponsor

    Sanofi at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Bronze Sponsor

    Science 37 at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
  • Bronze Sponsor

    Vaxart at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Bronze Sponsor

    Wacker Biotech at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025


    ABL at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
  • Exhibitor

    Agilent at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025


    Alfa Wassermann Separation Technologies at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025


    Atlas Clinical Research at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
  • Exhibitor

    BEI Resources at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025


    Biodextris at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Bronze Sponsor

    CastleVax at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
  • Exhibitor

    Cedar Health Research at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025


    CenExel at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025


    Clinical.ly at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
  • Exhibitor

    CRScube at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025


    CTL Cellular Technology Ltd at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025


    CZ Vaccines at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
  • Bronze Sponsor

    DM Clinical Research at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025


    Elite Clinical Network at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025


    Fina Biosolutions at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
  • Exhibitor

    Garvey Corp at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025


    HypercORE international at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025


    IBT Bioservices at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
  • Exhibitor

    IMA Clinical Research at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025


    Javara at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025


    Latham BioPharm Group at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
  • Exhibitor

    NorthX Biologics at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025


    Royal GD at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025


    Sabin Vaccine Institute at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
  • Exhibitor

    SPI Pharma at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025

    Silver Sponsor

    SSI Diagnostica at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025


    The Patient Recruiting Agency at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
  • Exhibitor

    UK Health Security Agency at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025


    Vaxtrials at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025


    WCG Clinical at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025
  • Startup

    Piezo Therapeutics, Inc. at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025


    Skylight Health Research, Inc. at World Vaccine Congress Washington 2025





Remaining marketing opportunities for world class solution providers are selling fast.
Contact: marc.rhys-evans@terrapinn.com

World Vaccine Congress Washington
“This is a unique forum where at every corner one can learn about the challenges and innovations in the vaccine world. I have attended many conferences, but the WVC is one where I always leave with the feeling that I have learned significantly in three days.”

- Rochester Institute of Technology
World Vaccine Congress Washington
World Vaccine Congress Washington
“The presentations and panels were very informative. They captured and discussed both the current landscape in the vaccines world, issues and opportunities being faced by both patients, NGOs and governmental agencies.”

- Merck & Co.
World Vaccine Congress Washington
“The work put into this event was apparent, from start to finish. It was engaging, accommodating, educational, and dare I say FUN.”

- EmVenio
World Vaccine Congress Washington
World Vaccine Congress Washington
“The most beneficial congress I ever attended in my career. The emphasis on bringing diverse professionals under one roof and the WVC organizers facilitating networking opportunities are truly supreme aspects of this congress.“

- TurboVax Inc.
World Vaccine Congress Washington
“Fabulous content, great networking opportunities, and super location.”


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