Sheng Ting Hung is the Chief Scientific Officer at Medfluid, a biotech company using microfluidics to provide diagnostics for infectious diseases and quantitative antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Sheng develops novel microfluidic technologies for biomedical applications in Medfluid and collaborative projects with external partners. He strives to develop robust tools to improve the health condition of individuals and societies.
He received his PhD degrees in Chemistry from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and in Physics from Washington State University in 2015, where he had successful research achievements in fields including nonlinear optical spectroscopy and photo-physics and photo-chemistry of lasing chromophore-polymer materials. He then worked as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in JILA, University of Colorado Boulder in the field of Biophysics. During his stay in JILA, he had developed a multi-parameter droplet cell sorter with the highest fluorescence lifetime sorting throughput to date, and used it as a new platform for directed evolution of fluorescent proteins. He is a fellow of the Leaders in Future Trends (LIFT) Program initiated by Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan.
Sheng likes to play any sports with a net in the middle of the court. He also enjoys cooking, fine arts and literature.
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