Trevor Adams | Director Of Junior School Music
Trinity Grammar School

Trevor Adams, Director Of Junior School Music, Trinity Grammar School

Trevor’s experience in teaching music crosses the spectrum from early childhood to tertiary. He believes the power of music can change lives and build connections within and across communities. The statement Everyone can play Music, and nobody knows if they can play, if they don’t try drives him to work with young people each day and to provide experiences to immerse them in the arts in an independent school in NSW as Director of Junior School Music. Trevor has worked in the Arts in a variety of contexts in Australia, Germany and Japan. As a former Council member and Treasurer, he has volunteered with the NSW Music Teachers’ Association for over twenty years. Currently he serves on the Accreditation Committee.


Day 1 @ 18:30

Engagement with broader communities to enhance your school’s arts program

last published: 16/Apr/20 00:36 GMT

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